HomePoliticsBlue State Blues: Political Corruption of the Justice Department

Blue State Blues: Political Corruption of the Justice Department

This week, it was reported that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched a criminal investigation against former President Donald Trump in connection with his attempts to run in the 2020 election.

Also this week, the Justice Department was accused of launching its own investigation into President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, based on false claims that reports of abuse of power were simply “false information.” And last week, the Justice Department convinced a DC jury to convict Stephen K. Bannon of contempt of Congress.

In particular, the Department of Justice refused to prosecute former left-wing criminals for the same crime, such as Lois Lerner, a former IRS official who prosecuted conservative groups; and former Attorney General Eric Holder, who refused to brief Congress on Operation Fast and the Furious, regarding the arms-trafficking raid that led to the murder of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.

And very few in the Justice Department were punished for the “Russian collusion” deception, a guerrilla operation where they lied to the FISA court.

We are witnessing the transformation of the Ministry of Justice into a branch of the Democratic Party.

There have always been prosecutors on the left as on the right, but real change began under President Barack Obama, who refused to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party to intimidate voters; The Justice Department gave millions of dollars in fines to leftist groups; and to appease Black Lives Matter, DOJ gave consent orders to police in Democrat-run cities.

In 2016, the Justice Department tried to influence the presidential election in several ways: first, by not prosecuting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in open and covert cases of misuse of confidential information; second, by investigating Trump for “collusion with Russia”; and third, trying to thwart Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy by reopening the investigation into her emails – a move that backfired dramatically.

The “Russian collusion” investigation continued under Trump, fueling efforts to reverse the results of democratic elections and potentially undermine Trump’s ability to conduct foreign policy.

During the left-wing turmoil that swept the country in 2020, the Ministry of Justice was extremely passive. Attorney General William Barr sent law enforcement to the streets of DC when Black Lives Matter and Antifa attacked the White House, but FBI Director Christopher Wray led efforts to dismiss Antifa as a threat, insisting it was an “ideology” and not an organization.

The Justice Department seems indifferent to the riots that occurred in 48 of the 50 largest US cities. And he hesitated year After finding out that Hunter Biden was selling influence. Instead of investigating high-level evidence of corruption, the FBI did nothing with his laptop, which appeared to have been seized in 2019, to cover up the story.

But after the riots in the Capitol on January 6, 2021, the Justice Department aggressively prosecuted participants for even minor offenses and detained non-violent suspects for months.

Now comes the news that the Justice Department is investigating Trump in connection with January 6 – reportedly for “an provocative plot and conspiracy to thwart government proceedings” and “possible fraud related to a bogus voter plot” or attempts to pressure officials. That’s why they said the election was fraudulent.

The timing of the news gave excessive legitimacy to the Committee’s January 6 demonstration hearing, which was unilateral, illegal and allegedly unconstitutional, with clear political motives.

The DOJ investigation is likely to be independent of the January 6 Committee, but there have been reports that the DOJ has asked the Committee to hand over transcripts of statements given behind closed doors and include some of the key assurances they usually have in a criminal case. investigation.

In essence, the Justice Department appears to have appointed the committee to carry out its own law enforcement duties, in violation of the constitutional separation of powers and the Bill of Rights.

After months of investigation and more than 1,000 witnesses, the committee found nothing against Trump other than the assertion that he needed to do more or act sooner to stop the riots. All Trump does is do what many of the Democrats on the committee do themselves: oppose the endorsement of voters from states whose results are controversial. He also staged a protest to influence a congressional vote, an event guaranteed by the First Amendment.

In particular, the Department of Justice, as a First Amendment exception, refuses to prosecute left-wing protesters who besieged the homes of conservative Supreme Court judges in an attempt to suppress abortion, despite a specific federal law prohibiting such protests. because they threaten impartial justice and an independent judiciary.

The Justice Department’s relief was followed by an assassination attempt on Judge Brett Kavanaugh by a leftist who thankfully called 911.

Both President Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland pledged to “depoliticize” the Justice Department, citing Democrats’ false claims that Trump “politicized” because Barr would not break federal law and hand over a grand jury’s records to Democrats. Embers. . In fact, Trump has removed the Justice Department from politics or tried to do so, even when faced with resistance from careerists and remnants willing to break the law to undermine his presidency.

Garland told NBC News that even if he is running for president in 2024, the Justice Department will not hesitate to file a criminal complaint against Trump. While the Justice Department hasn’t applied this to Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden, it’s the right policy. Worse, it followed Hillary Clinton’s lead in teasing and spying on her opponent and covering up legitimate questions about Biden’s conflict of interest. To date, the perpetrators of the “Russian collusion” hoax have gone unpunished, as it was essentially a coup attempt.

Now, the Justice Department appears to be looking for a way to put Trump behind bars and quench the Democrats’ thirst for vengeance in 2016. This is exactly what happens in third world countries.

I witnessed this phenomenon in my hometown of South Africa, where ruling cabals began using petty inquiries to discredit opposition and internal rivals. Today, South Africa is on the verge of becoming a failed state.

The political corruption of the Ministry of Justice also undermines belief in the rule of law; should stop.

Joel B. Pollack is Senior Editor and news anchor for Breitbart News News Sunday Breitbart Every Sunday night from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM ET (4:00 PM to 7:00 PM PT) on Sirius XM Patriot. He is the author of the recently published e-book Neither Free nor Fair: 2020 US Presidential Election. last book RED NOVEMBERtells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries from a conservative perspective. Won the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Scholarship. follow him on twitter @joelpollak.

Source: Breitbart

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