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PCP accuses PSD, Chega and IL of having “reactionary and anti-democratic objectives”

The general secretary of the PCP accused this Saturday the PSD, Chega and Iniciativa Liberal of having “reactionary and anti-democratic objectives” with the projects of constitutional review, highlighting that the PS “was wrong” to start this process because “it gives them space to prosper.”

“The PS was wrong to open the doors in this process [revisão constitucional]the PS was wrong to intervene and give space and opportunity to reactionary and anti-democratic objectives and purposes that are very evident in the projects of the PSD, Chega and IL to have space to prosper”, said Paulo Raimundo, in Matosinhos, Porto district, in what was his first meeting as communist general secretary.

For the PCP leader, the Constitution of the Republic is a “document of great political importance that, despite having been revised seven times and deeply affected, remains deeply in force.”

“The problem with the Constitution is not in its content, the problem is in its non-full application,” he said. Paulo Raimundo then considered that “the media focus is focused on the agitation of successive cases”, making clear the position of the PCP in this regard: “For us, of course, investigate what needs to be investigated, find out what needs to be found out.” , take responsibility for whoever is responsible and that’s it.”

“There are those who want to feed these cases because they see in it, more than reprehensible practices, a way of injuring the democratic regime and the Constitution itself. Do not count on the PCP for that purpose, ”he stressed. EITHER The successor to Jerónimo de Sousa focused a large part of his speech on the State Budget (OE), leaving more criticism of the other parties with seats in parliament.

[O PS] assumes in the Assembly of the Republic the pains of the PSD, Chega and the Liberal Initiative, which, more and more evidently, are also theirs, and carries to the letter the wills and interests of big capital and not of the country, as can be seen in its OE proposal for 2023″, he criticized.

According to Paulo Raimundo, among other consequences, the EO proposal “will deepen the impoverishment of the majority of the population” and translate “the option of reducing the debt and the deficit at the cost of reducing wages and pensions, the devaluation of services and public investment, and the worsening of fiscal injustices”.

Still in the EO, after considering that there was an “extraordinary expression” in the strike on Friday in the Public Administration, the communist called for the “struggle” and a “strong, determined and clear expression” in the demonstration called for the day of the final vote of the EO in front of the Assembly of the Republic.

The increase in the national minimum wage was another of Paulo Raimundo’s highlights: “A growing month for an increasingly low salary, 75% of workers earn less than a thousand euros, two million of whom earn less than 800 euros. Increase in the profits of the economic groups, four thousand million euros which, if distributed, would increase the disposable income of the two million poor by about two thousand euros a year, close to 200 euros per month for each one. This is the degree of injustice that we have reached, ”he began by saying.

“What is necessary and increasingly urgent is a general and significant increase in wages, which restores and guarantees an increase in purchasing power, and the setting of 850 euros for the National Minimum Wage on January 1 of next year, as well as the evaluation of the races. and professions ”, he defended.

The new PCP leader ended his first speech at his first party meeting with the PCP General Secretary with an appeal and a sign of hope for the times to come. “A path of struggle, yes, but above all a path of hope, construction and a call to the participation of all those who aspire to a better life. Moving forward is possible. Let’s work comrades, ”he said.

Source: Observadora

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