A week ago, a bout between boxers Simisu Buthelezi and Sivisheli Mentunga in a bout for the African Lightweight Boxing belt came to an abrupt and unexpected conclusion in South Africa after the fight was heading to a draw. into the void, as if wrestling with a ghost, which prompted the medical staff to intervene, in a scene that surprised everyone, especially the referee of the fight, so Buthelezi was admitted to the hospital and then died.

As a result, Sivisheli Mentunga revealed in an interview with Sowetan Live that he was suffering from a lot of psychological pressure as a result of the incident, showing that he was contemplating suicide.

In the context of his interview, he said, “I was heavily criticized and insulted on social media when Semisu was hospitalized. These insults intensified after his death and reached a point that I cannot bear, and now I am faced with one thing, which is to kill myself.”

He added that he was the sole breadwinner for his family and wanted to win the title to change his life, saying, “Winning this title (WBF African Lightweight Championship) would help me financially, but people called me a killer. , it could have been me, not Buthelezi.”

Mohammed Batzi.