HomeSportsJorge Fernandes runs for president of the Portuguese Judo...

Jorge Fernandes runs for president of the Portuguese Judo Federation after dismissal

Jorge Fernandes said this Friday that he will run for president of the Portuguese Judo Federation (FPJ), after his leadership lost the mandate after a consultation with the Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth (IPDJ).

“It has been decided that I will leave, if I am dismissed in the General Assembly due to dismissal scheduled for December 18, I am in a position to say that I will be a candidate, naturally”Jorge Fernandes stressed to the Lusa agency.

The still top leader of judo in Portugal explained to the state this sixth fair, meeting with the FPJ’s partner bodies, to which he communicated the decision to be a candidate, an electoral vote to be carried out after the dismissal of the General Assembly and what should happen in the first months of next year.

“I did not make the decision right away (…). First I had to make sure that I could be a candidate and I can, second if I wanted to continue and third if I had support. It is clear that I can continue, it is clear that I have a mission to fulfill, which I have not yet fulfilled, and it is clear that I have the support of 90% of the delegates to the Assembly. Of the order of 90, 95% guaranteed, ”he explained.

Jorge Fernandes also ruled on the alleged incompatibilities, following a complaint from the Castelo Branco Judo Association, and He assured that he will not receive a penny from the Federation that he has presided over since 2017 and in which he is serving a second term.

“The president of the Castelo Branco Association, the coach of the Escola Ana Hormigo and the coach of Sport Lisboa e Benfica made the complaint and, now, we have the lawyers working on it and we will work to correct what is necessary to correct and maintain what is necessary. maintain,” he began by saying.

The director added that his salary is paid by the Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Coimbra, his place of work, and that he does not depend on judo for a living.

I am a driver at the Coimbra university hospital center and they pay me there if I don’t work, I don’t have my job, and I depend on judo like so many other friends of mine. As the coach of Benfica, the Ana Hormigo School and the Castelo Branco Association [Abel Louro], who lives on Jews, I try, if you had the same conditions as him, what would you live on? of handouts? The Federation doesn’t pay me a penny. how did i live And despite not receiving any money from the Judo Clube de Coimbra ”, he defended.

Of the alleged incompatibilities, the coach has already said that he has asked for clarification: “I am not a coach, I do not hold that position, I am not president of the club [Judo Clube de Coimbra] And that’s what it’s all about,” he added.

President and board of the Portuguese Judo Federation dismissed for incompatibility

This week, the investigation carried out by the IPDJ determined the loss of mandate of the FPJ board for breach of article 51 of the Legal Regime of Sports Federations (RJFD), which lists the loss of mandate of the heads of federative bodies, for ineligibility, incompatibility or for intervening in a contract in which they have an interest.

Source: Observadora

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