Tag: Denmark

German internal affairs: Our forces, together with Denmark, Poland and Sweden, patrol the seas to ensure the security of energy facilities.

The German Interior Ministry confirmed that "our forces, together with Denmark, Poland and Sweden, carry out patrols in coastal waters to ensure the security...

Czech Energy Minister: We are in an energy war with Russia and we must act quickly as winter approaches

The Czech Energy Minister explained: “We will hear from Germany, Denmark and Sweden about the deliberate sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines,” noting that...

The Swedish Coast Guard has discovered a fourth leak in Nord Stream.

“The Swedish Coast Guard has discovered a fourth leak in the Nord Stream,” Reuters reports, citing the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.“Two of those fourtook...

UEFA Nations League: Netherlands and Croatia advance to semi-finals, Wales relegated

As part of the activities of the fourth group of the first tier in the European Nations League, the Netherlands team finished top of...

League of Nations: France defeats Austria and defeats the Netherlands, Belgium and Croatia

In the fifth round of group A1, the French team won their first victory after two draws and two defeats, and in the meeting...

UAE court refuses to extradite Denmark to UK accused of $1.7bn fraud

A Dubai court has denied a Danish extradition request for a Briton accused of tax evasion, fraud and failure to make a $1.7 billion...

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