HomeTechnologyDiscovery of an unsuccessful British sea missile model in...

Discovery of an unsuccessful British sea missile model in southern Ukraine

In early May, the failed Ukrainian-British Brimstone missile was discovered in Zaporozhye, Ukraine. It is not known on which platforms this missile was launched.

He also discovered the engine compartment and the failed body of the rocket. According to photos published by Russian bloggers in the “Telegram”, it appears that the discovered machines were made in September 2001. The front of the missile was made in 2004. The missile entered service in the British Army in 2005.

The Ukrainian military may be the first land model operator of the Brimstone missile. On April 25, British Defense Secretary Ben Willis announced in the British Parliament that the Ministry of Defense was examining the possibility of acquiring ground models of the Brimstone anti-ship missile that could be used to protect the city of Odessa from any attack from the sea. . , said.

It can be seen that the models supplied in Ukraine belong to the first copies of the missile in question. These copies have a single-channel guidance system and are equipped with a radar head that operates in the millimeter frequency range. The operating range of the missile when launched from land platforms shall not exceed 10-12 km.

Source: Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Source: Arabic RT

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