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He sells wine and tells stories. “Doniasha” takes you to St. Petersburg Forum with a beautiful face (video)

Petersburg International Economic Forum, the Russian company “promo-bot” presented one of its innovations in the field of robotics; here is shown a robot that looks like a woman selling drinks and ice cream.

The robot “Donyasha” mimics a girl selling ice cream and drinks, telling exciting and creative stories and provocative guests.

The robot was developed by the Russian company “Promobot”, a company that specializes in developing robot -related solutions for the business sector. The company has been operating in this field since 2015, and the company has sold its products in more than 100 countries. The world, including the Middle East and the countries in the region.Gol.

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The representative of the Russian company Dmitry Federnikov, in an interview with RT, said that the “Donyasha” robot has passed the testing phase and after completing this stage, additions and improvements will be made to it.

Federnikov noted that work continues to produce two models of Doniasha robots, noting that the company’s products (robots) can be found in many countries around the world, including the UAE, where there is a robot developed of the company. a police station.

Today, Wednesday, the activities and activities of St. Petersburg International Economic Forum was held in St. Petersburg. Petersburg with the participation of Arab countries, including Egypt, who attended the event as guests of honor. Petersburg was launched.

More than 13,500 participants from 141 regions and countries around the world attended the forum, which was held for the 25th time on June 15-18. The Forum is an effective platform for the exchange of views and experiences between policy makers, officials and business sector representatives from different countries in the world.

Source: RT

Source: Arabic RT

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