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Mozambique parks received more than 1,400 animals from South Africa

Mozambique’s conservation areas have received more than 1,400 animals transferred from South Africa in recent years, including elephants, lions and rhinos, the Minister of Land and Environment, Ivete Maibaze, announced this Thursday.

We note with satisfaction fauna participation of conservation areas with the transfer of 1,416 animals from neighboring South Africa,” said the minister, in his speech in Maputo, at the opening of the fifth coordination council of the Ministry of Land and Environment.

With this operation to transport animals from parks in South Africa, he stated, Mozambique also received hyenas, leopards and buffaloes, among others.

Of the conservation areas that received animals, the Zinave National Parkin Inhambane province, Mabote district, which became the only national park in our country that houses the Big Five land, namely, the elephant, the lion, the leopard, the hippopotamus and the rhinoceros,” highlighted Ivete Maibaze.

“This exercise required the sector to adopt measures to guarantee the integrity of the animals and all natural heritage. Thus, we established the operations coordination center. against poaching in the Mabote district and we prioritize telemetric monitoring of the movement of the animals through 40 collars,” he added.

The minister stated in the same speech that 21 people involved in poaching practices in the country were recently sentenced to “exemplary sentences”, as part of the measures to combat these practices.

According to data from the Ministry of Land and Environment, Mozambique has 12 national parks and protected areas, with 5,500 species of flora and 4,271 species of terrestrial fauna.

Source: Observadora

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