HomeTechnologyPRO MOV launches Automotive Laboratory to fill the shortage...

PRO MOV launches Automotive Laboratory to fill the shortage of car painters

The PRO MOV professional retraining programme is launching the Automotive Laboratory in September to make up for the lack of car painters, expanding the number of activity sectors in which it is present to eight.

“The creation of this laboratory arises from the need identified by companies to find car painters with the necessary professional skills to respond to market demands related to the quality of work in the sector, the technical specifications defined by manufacturers and safety and environmental protection standards,” PRO MOV said in a statement.

According to this, The first training will open in the Greater Porto regionand applications for the “Car Painter” course can be made on the PRO MOV website.

In a second phase, the Automotive Laboratory should extend training to other professions, with the aim of creating courses in the areas of body repair, electromechanics, mechatronics, among others, ensuring a more comprehensive training offer.

Led by the JAP group, this laboratory also has the participation of NORS, Salvador Caetano and the Barraqueiro group.

In addition to the theoretical aspect, candidates will also undergo practical training in a work context in the companies involved, in order to improve the possibility of a quicker entry into the labour market.

“The labor market in the automotive sector is characterized by a very large shortage of professionals in different areas, “but with a special focus on painting. It is a very specific technical profession, with excellent opportunities for professional progression and a very high employability rate,” says Ricardo Ferreira, head of the JAP group, quoted in the press release.

Like the other PRO_MOV laboratories, the training curriculum at the Automotive Laboratory is designed by the collaborating companies and the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), with the aim of “ensuring that candidates receive training that is in line with the needs of the labour market, in a sector with such a shortage of qualified professionals”.

“The added value of PRO_MOV is that it allows us to respond in a timely manner to the needs of companies, with courses adapted to market demands. The launch of the Automotive Laboratory reinforces this mission, creating new opportunities for candidates to enter the labour market with stable employment prospects, since these are necessary professions that companies need,” says the president of IEFP, Domingos Lopes, also quoted in the statement.

PRO_MOV is the first programme in Portugal of the European initiative “R4E – Reskilling 4 Employment”, designed by the European Roundtable for Industry (ERT), a European executive forum whose mission is to promote competitiveness and prosperity in Europe, to promote the training of professionals for the jobs of the future through requalification and integration into the labour market.

PRO_MOV was launched in 2021, led by Sonae, in collaboration with Nestlé and SAP, with the public sector represented through the IEFP, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security.

The Asociation Business conference Portugal (BRP) and CIP — Confederação Empresarial de Portugal are partners in the project, which will expand it by bringing in Portuguese companies from a wide range of sectors.

Currently, the PRO_MOV ecosystem has more than 120 companies in Portugal and eight laboratories in operation: Agriculture, Automotive, Business Intelligencedigital, Green jobsIndustry, Health and Sales.

Source: Observadora

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