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The left criticizes the lack of financing for the protection of animals and the PSD guarantees a reinforcement of 500 thousand euros

PS, PAN and Livre criticized this Wednesday the lack of funds allocated to the protection of animals, despite the fact that the PSD guaranteed that the State budget project provides for an increase of 500 thousand euros.

In a political statement on animal protection, the sole representative of the PAN, Inês de Sousa Real, reiterated her criticism of the budget project presented by the executive, stating that it does not include funds destined for animal protection and calling on the Government to commit to this matter. . .

The PAN deputy also criticized the Government for what she described as the “non-execution” of the funds provided for animal protection in the current State Budget.

“We are talking about a value of 13 million euros that was planned for 2024, a value that was already insufficient for what we need to do at the national level and which, in addition to being insufficient, they did not even deign to do. “We are talking about the minimum to cover the urgent needs of thousands of animals,” he stated.

The same accusations were made by MP Palmira Maciel, from the PS, who highlighted what she says was the work of socialist executives in drafting legislation to “improve the lives of animals” and also said that she did not find funds in the project. budget. by 2025. designated for animal protection.

Isabel Mendes Lopes, from Livre, reinforced the chorus of criticism of the Government, stating that “no specific point can be found in the EO on animal welfare and support for these people who have their animals as part of the family.”

For the PCP, Alfredo Maia highlighted the need to “adopt a strategy to prevent animal abandonment”with “awareness campaigns for responsible acquisition and adoption” promoted through “more solid public policies, including in terms of financing.”

Regarding the accusations, the PSD deputy, Gonçalo Valente, reaffirmed what the Minister of Agriculture had already said a few days ago, stating that “there will be money for the protection of animals and 500 thousand euros more than those currently included in the OE ”. , and that are simply not included in a disaggregated manner in the document.

“The Government is committed, as written in the program, to animal welfare. That is, with sterilization, adoption, official collection centers, maintaining the cessation of slaughter, among others, to fulfill our civic and moral duty towards animals, but also with the safeguarding of public health,” he assured. .

To the words of the social democrat, Inês de Sousa Real responded by asking the Government to “Pay what you owe to the animal cause.” and Isabel Mendes Lopes demanded that it be clarified “exactly what amount is reserved for animal welfare” in the budget proposal and “why it is not explicitly identified” as such, recalling that the issue “is causing discomfort in the associations.”

Source: Observadora

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