HomeTrendingHow to choose who can see WhatsApp statuses

How to choose who can see WhatsApp statuses

Users can choose from three privacy options for this type of content in the Meta app.  (Photo: iProfessional)
Users can choose from three privacy options for this type of content in the Meta app. (Photo: iProfessional)

In WhatsAppAs with other platforms developed by Meta, the stories feature exists so that users can share their daily activities in photo or video format with friends. Contacts.

Although the content is shared with everyone who enters it Directory Mobile phone and who has an account platformUsers can also remove certain contacts’ access to news and choose which specific people to allow them display. These settings will help you maintain Privacy of customers.

But inside WhatsApp There is no such function Best friends in InstagramPeople can enter parameters Application to choose which contacts can access this content.

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How to change privacy states in WhatsApp

The process for configuring States’ privacy is the same for everyone deviceshas an operating system Android or iOSHowever they have some minor differences which are the way to access the privacy menu section of the countries.

Status privacy in WhatsApp
Status privacy in WhatsApp

Users must click on the tab State located on the home screen of the application. After entering the department, users of the device Android They need to tap on the more settings button which has three dots icon and then enter the states privacy option. for devices iOS You just need to click on privacy option.

After entering the section, people will have to choose one of three options Privacy Available to states WhatsApp: The first corresponds to “My contacts”, which means that any contact registered in the directory has access to the content. The second is “mine Contacts, except” by which access can be restricted to specific registered persons; And the third is “Share Only”, in which they can only see Updates Status contacts that the user selects.

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On the other hand, if a person shares the state WhatsApp and then change setup From a user privacy point of view, this will only be effective for publications that are made after the changes. This means that a public story will remain public even after you change the setting to “Share only” and vice versa.

In addition, if the person has turned off the verification function question for notifications WhatsApp You will also be limited in your access information About which the contacts came to see State from the platform.

Voice states in WhatsApp

platform purpose Developed a feature to allow users to share voice clips as status and it is now active for all users statement.

WhatsApp updates for status display.  (WhatsApp)
WhatsApp updates for status display. (WhatsApp)

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The Update consists of new button in the status section of the microphone-shaped screen at the bottom right; and the appearance of a mini voice player (similar to a speech bubble in the chat) in the central part screenAfter saving the status.

Voice states are indistinguishable from their voice versions. text: They can be deleted before publishing, if the user is not satisfied with the result, they will be automatically deleted after 24 hours Edition and may be removed early time.

Source: Info Bae
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