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What does the window of the Chinese president’s residence in Moscow look like and what does it look like from the inside! (photo + video)

Chinese President Xi Jinping lives in a 5-star hotel north of Moscow next to a traditional Chinese landscape garden.

Before entering the hotel, the Chinese president was greeted by dozens of people flying Russian and Chinese flags and holding a banner that read “We welcome Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia.”

The media posted photos of the luxurious suite dedicated to the Chinese president at the Soluxe Hotel, and the suite consists of 7 rooms with an area of ​​373 square meters with a jacuzzi and Turkish bath, and the suite overlooks the sea The Chinese Imperial Palace Park, which covers an area of ​​5.2 hectares and contains dozens of plant species from different provinces of China.

The hotel rooms are designed in the Chinese art style “Feng Shui”, which symbolizes the harmony between the surrounding space, the flow of water and energy and harmony with oneself and nature.

Chinese President Xi Jinping made his first visit after being elected to a third term as president in Moscow yesterday, Monday, for an official visit that will last until March 22.

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What does the window of the Chinese president's residence in Moscow look like and what does it look like from the inside!  (photo + video)What does the window of the Chinese president's residence in Moscow look like and what does it look like from the inside!  (photo + video)

What does the window of the Chinese president's residence in Moscow look like and what does it look like from the inside!  (photo + video)What does the window of the Chinese president's residence in Moscow look like and what does it look like from the inside!  (photo + video)

What does the window of the Chinese president's residence in Moscow look like and what does it look like from the inside!  (photo + video)What does the window of the Chinese president's residence in Moscow look like and what does it look like from the inside!  (photo + video)

What does the window of the Chinese president's residence in Moscow look like and what does it look like from the inside!  (photo + video)What does the window of the Chinese president's residence in Moscow look like and what does it look like from the inside!  (photo + video)

What does the window of the Chinese president's residence in Moscow look like and what does it look like from the inside!  (photo + video)What does the window of the Chinese president's residence in Moscow look like and what does it look like from the inside!  (photo + video)

What does the window of the Chinese president's residence in Moscow look like and what does it look like from the inside!  (photo + video)What does the window of the Chinese president's residence in Moscow look like and what does it look like from the inside!  (photo + video)

Source: Novosti

Source: Arabic RT

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