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From “selfless devotion” to comparison with a “golden thread”. The reactions of politicians and celebrities to the Platinum Jubilee

The ceremonies for the Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II began this Thursday and several politicians and celebrities sent messages of recognition of the work of the sovereign during his 70-year reign.

Flags, hats and smiles: images of the Jubilee party in the streets of London

across the atlanticthe president of the United States (USA) underlined the monarch’s “selfless devotion” as well as her “service to the people from the UK and commonwealth [organização que congrega Estados e territórios que integraram no passado o império colonial britânico]”. also took advantage “historic and memorable occasion” point the relationship that is “stronger and closer than ever” between both countries.

Alongside her, the First Lady of the United States, Jill Biden, spoke of the “joy” that Elizabeth II’s visit to the United States brought to the nation.

For his part, the French president stressed: “Your Majesty is the golden thread that unites our two countries, proof of unbreakable friendship between our nations. He has been a constant presence and a source of wisdom for the leaders of both countries.“. He recalled his support in building “the trust of the alliance that brought freedom and prosperity to our continent.” France is “grateful” to the Queen for her “bravery”.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson also congratulated this event, addressing the sovereign, saying that “the entire country, the commonwealth and the world” are grateful to him “for his unwavering work and service.” “Long live Regina Isabella! God save the Queen!”, completed.

The English Queen continues to receive congratulations from all over the world throughout the day. One of them came from North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, who sent a letter directly to Elizabeth II, the country’s Foreign Ministry confirmed.

Barack Obama has already published a video message where he congratulates the “constant” monarch and speaks of his “grace” and “generosity.” “When you’re president of the United States, you meet a lot of awesome people and you always try to keep your composure. But that’s harder to do when he’s getting to know the Majesty of him,” the former US president said.

Former British footballer David Beckham characterized the Queen’s reign as “remarkable”, writing on Instagram: “70 years of service and inspiring leadership for our country.”

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From one legend to another: “Congratulations, ma’am.” The iconic Paul McCartney, who sang Her Majesty is a very nice girl at the end of the Beatles’ Abbey Road album, appealed to Twitter to congratulate Elizabeth II.

Source: Observadora

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