The U.S. Supreme Court has struck down the right to abortion in a devastating ruling that overturns half a century of constitutional protection on one of the most contentious issues on the American political scene.

The court overturned the landmark 1973 decision known as Roe v. Wade, which affirmed a woman’s right to an abortion, and said that each state could allow or restrict the procedure at its discretion, as it was common in the 1970s.

Earlier, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin State passed a law banning all abortions from the moment of conception, making this southern US conservative stronghold the most stringent in the nation in terms of voluntary abortion requirements.

“I promised the people of Oklahoma that I, as governor, would sign any life protection bill that was brought to me, and I am proud to deliver on that promise today,” the state said in a statement.

The law passed in Oklahoma is inspired by a law passed in Texas in September that allows anyone, even without status, to sue women who have had or had an abortion.