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“Random Attack”. Six-year-old boy and parents die while camping in a park in Iowa (USA)

A six-year-old girl and her two parents were shot to death while camping in Iowa, USA. The nine-year-old brother survived what would have been an attack for no apparent reason. The alleged shooter, who was camping in the same park, committed suicide after the crime – he was found in a more isolated area after having, according to the police, used the same weapon to commit suicide.

Sarah and Tyler Schmidt, both 42, and their daughter, Lula, were found dead in their tent sleeping in Maquoketa Caves State Park. Authorities have no answer as to what led 23-year-old Anthony Sherwin to shoot that family, according to The Washington Post.

A person close to the family confirmed that the couple’s other son, Arlo, escaped the attack, although there is no word on whether he was also shot or was unharmed. The local press does not even confirm if the boy was there at the time of the shooting.

“This was a totally random attack,” said Adam Morehouse, the brother of the woman who was killed, “it was just a guy who woke up in the morning, picked out a tent and carried out the plan he wanted to execute.” . About her nephew, “as far as I know, he is fine, physically,” said the brother, without giving more details.

The investigators of the case are also completely in the dark. “We don’t know what caused this,” said Mitch Mortvedt of the Department of Public Safety. “Our investigation did not show any prior interaction between this man and this family,” he added.

In the state of Iowa, anyone with a gun license can move freely almost anywhere without significant limitations. It was not disclosed if this shooter had a firearms license.

Source: Observadora

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