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“Critical hours of the nuclear agreement”…Iranian official: The ball is in America’s court!

Today, IRNA news agency quoted an Iranian diplomatic source as stressing the need to “assure the Iranian side as soon as possible” and stressing that “the hours of presence in Vienna are decisive for the nuclear agreement”.

This knowledgeable source stated that “focusing on some peripheral issues away from the main issues shows the lack of seriousness of the other party”, and emphasized: “The economic guarantee of the parties for long-term and worry-free work with Tehran is a principle. It is stated in the agreement.

And the IRNA news agency quoted a source close to the Iranian negotiating team in Vienna and wrote: “Iran has not ruled out the removal of the Revolutionary Guards from the US terrorism list and the claims of the media are worthless.” “It is in the American court, and if he wanted to reach an agreement, he should have acted responsibly.”

In the same context, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said: “The Iranian delegation in Vienna is seriously interested in the issue of Iran’s economic benefit from the agreement, observing the red lines.”

Negotiators in charge of Iran’s nuclear issue met in Vienna on Thursday after a long break. For the first time since last March, all the parties involved in this agreement, i.e. Iran, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany, in addition to the indirect participation of the United States of America, met with this goal. Revival of the 2015 agreement

On July 22, Iran, through its foreign minister, asked the United States for economic guarantees to revive the agreement on its nuclear program.

Source: Lebanon Debate

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