HomeWorldTaiwan. Australia says China's military moves are disproportionate

Taiwan. Australia says China’s military moves are disproportionate

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This Friday, the Australian Foreign Minister considered “disproportionate and destabilizing” the military exercises that China has been carrying out since Thursday in Taiwan, admitting to being “deeply concerned” about the escalation of the conflict.

Australia shares the region’s concerns about escalating military activity and especially the risk of miscalculation,” said Penny Wong, urging restraint.

The Australian minister also said that her country “wants no change in the status of the Taiwan Straitand guaranteed that it continues, like the United States and most countries, recognizing a single Chinese government, that of Beijing.

Penny Wong is currently in Phnom Penh to attend the East Asia Summit.

Since Thursday, the Chinese military has fired “multiple ballistic missiles” into the waters surrounding the island of Taiwan, some of which have landed in Japan’s exclusive economic zone, in a drill operation that China has announced will last until on Sunday.

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The military exercises come in response to US Congressional Leader Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan on Wednesday, seen by China as a serious provocation.

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Beijing claims sovereignty over the island and has considered Taiwan a breakaway province since the Kuomintang nationalists withdrew to the island in 1949 after losing the civil war against the communists.

Source: Observadora

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