Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz has approved an exceptional military order calling for 25,000 reservists, Gantz’s office said.

The newspaper Ha’aretz reported that “the Israeli army called in reserve forces and moved the elite Golani brigade and armored corps to the borders of the Gaza Strip.”

After the start of the military operation in the Gaza Strip, the Yediot Ahronot newspaper reported, quoting a prominent Israeli military figure, that “preparations are being made to expand the current operation, and we are working on calling up reserve forces.”

In this context, Israeli Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked said that “the current spiral of conflict can be long and difficult.” For his part, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said: “We will not allow anyone to threaten or harm the Israelis, and whoever tries to do so will be harmed.”

Earlier in the day, the Israeli army announced that the Israeli army had carried out airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, noting that “a special case has been announced in the rear,” stressing that “we have launched a military campaign against the Islamic Jihad movement.” In the Gaza Strip called (Al-Fajr Al-Sadiq).