The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that “Israeli army officials confirmed that the army was responsible for the killing of five children on the last day of the escalation that took place in the Gaza Strip in early August.”

The newspaper cited several security sources as saying, “An army investigation into the August 7 incident at the Fallujah cemetery east of Jabaliya concluded that Palestinian children were killed in an Israeli airstrike.”

Immediately after the killing of the children, the Israeli army stated that they were “most likely killed by a misspelled missile fired by the Islamic Jihad movement in the Gaza Strip.”

Five children: Jamil El-Din Negm (3 years old), Jamil Ihab Negm (13 years old), Muhammad Negm (16 years old), Hamed Negm (16 years old) and Nazmi Karsh (15 years old). According to the Norwegian Refugee Council, three of them participated in the support program for victims in Gaza.

For three days, a military standoff erupted between the Israeli army and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip last week, culminating in an Egyptian-brokered truce.

According to official statistics from the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip, 49 people were killed in the Israeli attack, including 17 children, and another 360 were injured.