The White House announced that “there is no evacuation of the US embassy in Iraq at this time,” noting that “reports of unrest in Iraq are worrying, and now is the time for dialogue, not confrontation.”

The US State Department confirmed earlier today that “the news of the evacuation of our embassy in Baghdad is not true,” emphasizing that “protecting our citizens in Iraq is a top priority.”

And the French news agency AFP reported: “Eight dead among the demonstrators in the green zone in Baghdad, as new casualties.”

From 19:00, a comprehensive curfew began in all governorates.

Iraqi security forces expelled Sadrist supporters from the government palace and took full control of it after clashes between the two sides escalated into heavy shooting in the Green Zone in Baghdad and injuries, the channel reports. .

Hundreds of supporters of the Sadrist movement broke into the Republican Palace in the Green Zone of Baghdad. As a result, Iraqi forces attempted to disperse the movement’s supporters, who in turn attempted to storm the presidential residence with tear gas canisters.