London police said: “We have received reports of three stab wounds and that a man was thrown to the ground at Bishops Gate and officers arrived at the scene.

And she pointed out on social media that “the two suspects are being sought as part of the ongoing investigation into the phone theft attempt and the incident is not being treated as terrorist-related, the motive for the attack that took place. in the heart of London’s financial centre, TBA.”

“Stopping phone thefts and bringing those responsible to justice is a priority for the City of London Police, and phone thefts have been reduced through dedicated efforts, including working with colleagues from the Metropolitan Police Service and making several arrests,” she said.

In this context, the Daily Mail reported that “eyewitnesses said that the victims tried to stop two people on electric bikes from stealing a mobile phone.” The City of London Police later clarified that “a video clip circulating on social media showing their officers arresting a suspect has nothing to do with this incident.”