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Four PS MEPs abstained on the European Parliament resolution declaring Russia a “sponsor of terrorism”

There was a division in the caucus of the PS when it came to declaring Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. Four PS MEPs —Margarida Marques, Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, Isabel Carvalhais and Isabel Santos— abstained in the vote on the European Parliament resolution classifying Russia as a state “sponsor of terrorism”. The vote of these four Socialists differs from that of the five colleagues on the bench, who voted in favor — in line with the overwhelming majority of the political group to which they belong (the European Socialists, S&D).

On the bench of the European Socialists there were only 12 votes against and 9 abstentions (four Portuguese and five MEPs from other countries). Along the same lines, the two deputies from the Bloco de Esquerda —José Gusmão and Marisa Matias— and the two MEPs from the PCP (Pimenta Lopes and Sandra Pereira) also abstained, as was to be expected, voted against the resolution.

MEP Margarida Marques said in her explanation of vote that she abstained because she considered that “some principles and political initiatives that she defends are blocking the maintenance of diplomatic channels which will be fundamental for a future resolution of the conflict”. For the Socialist MEP, the diplomatic route must “continue to be the most favorable for a lasting peace process”.

Margarida Marques also says that the resolution introduces “a precedent against European values, which is the call for the suppression of freedom of expression in the European space.” The MEP points out, however, that this position “does not invalidate the fact that he condemns, in its entirety, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.”

MEP Isabel Santos also said in the voting communiqué that this classification “runs the risk of negatively conditioning the future” and that “it mixes war crimes that must be judged as such, within the framework defined in the framework of International Law, and acts of terrorism.” This, she warns, is “a dangerous path that could jeopardize the due prosecution of war crimes” committed in Ukraine.

The resolution, continues Isabel Santos, follows the “political line defined by the right in the European Parliament with the aim of making any diplomatic negotiations unfeasible”. Like Margarida Marques, Isabel Santos points out that the position does not invalidate the fact of “violently condemning the invasion of Ukraine” by Russia.

All EPP MEPs, including the six PSD MEPs and one CDS MEP, voted in favor of the resolution. The same happened with the other five PS MEPs, who also voted in favor of the resolution.

The European Parliament ended up approving this non-binding resolution, with 494 votes in favour, 58 against and 44 abstentions. The text states that the European Chamber “recognizes Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism and as a state that uses terrorist means.”

Source: Observadora

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