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Elisa Ferreira warns: “European funds should not be used for personal or political leadership”

Even without pronouncing on “internal politics”, the socialist Elisa Ferreira, European commissioner, defended that the promotion of community funds should not be used for “personal or political prominence”.

Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner, leaves a warning to navigation: the promotion of the use of community funds is welcome as long as “it is not for Leadership personal or political. “Citizens need to understand what cohesion and Europe do to make life better. You have to give visibility, not for personal or political leadership, ”she underlines.

Speaking to reporters, outside of a European Commission initiative, he refused to comment specifically on the Portuguese government’s management, saying repeatedly that “there were no grounds for complaint.” However, in the face of criticism from luis montenegrowho had accused António Costa of doing “Bell” with European money, Elisa Ferreira said that it was “fundamental” so as not to politicize the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).

Elisa Ferreira understands that, despite “having to formally know that it is European money”, what there is is a “poster in a corner”. The European commissioner, therefore, left a call: that in political speeches there be a greater reference to the importance of the cohesion funds of the European Union. “[Os fundos de coesão] They are an exercise in solidarity. For all countries regardless of the parties that are in power”.

Although the PRR funds are not directly responsible, Elisa Ferreira adds that the information she has “is that there are none problem” with Portugal. “The goals are being met and the objectives are being achieved. Portugal had an initial advance, then a first transfer and this February the visa for a second transfer is given, ”he pointed out.

Elisa Ferreira also said that there is “no reason to complain of the Portuguese Government in relation to cohesion policy”. “There have been very frequent contacts regarding the preparation of the association agreement and the operational programs, in particular with Minister Mariana Vieira da Silva and Minister Ana Abrunhosa. As it has existed with all other countries, ”she stressed.

The commissioner, who is in charge of these community support programs and not the PRR, defended that “Portugal has had a very well-placed rate of execution.” “Is above average European”, he reinforced. Even so, the socialist left a challenge to reflect on the “content of the programs”, fearing that this reflection would be overcome by economic issues. “[É preciso perceber] what is he going to do and what is he going to do change the country”, exhorted Elisa Ferreira.

This week the creation of two other regions in Portugal has been confirmed in terms of the organization of community funds, the NUT of the Setúbal Peninsula and the West and the Tagus Valley, an old ambition of the Portuguese Government -given proximity to Lisbon, these regions were chronically disadvantaged in the allocation of European funds.

Before the journalists, Elisa Ferreira acknowledged the existence of “internal imbalances” in the country and clarified that Portugal “has to give contributions for the reformist agendas” that are brewing in the European Union.

Without wanting to say whether regionalization would have positive effects in combating desertification in the interior, Elisa Ferreira left an ironic comment. “Without regionalization, centralism has to be quite illuminated“, he shot, before concluding: “It is different to run with a single engine or with four. We have to see if it works or not. It’s an act of intelligence.”

Montenegro rushes to Costa: “The Government is campaigning with our money. Socialists love to have signs.”

Source: Observadora

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