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Centrist groups ask the French prime minister to negotiate with the unions

Bertrand Pancher, leader of the centralist group, demanded that the French prime minister start “a real negotiation” with the unions on the political crisis generated by the pension reform.

The leaders of the center groups of the two chambers of the French Parliament asked the French Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, on Monday to negotiate with the unions a way out of the political crisis generated by the reform of the pension system.

Bertrand Pancher, president of the LIOT group (French acronym for Liberty, Independents, Overseas and Territories), which brings together some twenty centrist and regionalist deputies, asked Élisabeth Borne to “suspend” the implementation of the reform to “calm the situation”according to what he told the press at the Matignon Palace, seat of the Government.

Bertrand Pancher explained that demanded that the prime minister launch “a real negotiation” with the unions, in addition to calling “a great social conference” and, if the executive does not withdraw the reform, reiterate “the request for a referendum.”

For his part, the center-right senator Hervé Marseille (UDI), the first to meet with the prime minister, told the press that the prime minister was “willing to talk.”

For this reason, Hervé Marseille said he recommended Élisabeth Borne to “break the ice” with the unions, especially with the reformist CFDT, to negotiate the future labor law and other measures.

The Prime Minister of France began this Monday meetings with the presidents of the parliamentary groups of the Assembly to try to advance on other issues on the parliamentary agenda.

On Wednesday he receives the main unions, who said they will appear to request that the application of the reform to the retirement age be frozen while other alternatives are discussed.

On Friday, the prime minister rejected this possibility, explaining that it was not possible, but on Monday she offered to discuss “all issues” at the meeting with the unions, even despite the “points of divergence”.

“There are many issues that we can deal with together,” the Prime Minister insisted in brief statements on the sidelines of an official act, quoted by Efe.

Source: Observadora

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