HomeEconomyThe Government of the Azores allocates 5.5 million euros...

The Government of the Azores allocates 5.5 million euros to local administration

The Governing Council of the Azores has approved the Regional Regulatory Decree governing the System of Incentives for the Administrative Modernisation of Local Public Administration (SIMAAPR), for an amount of 5.5 million euros.

According to the Azorean government, this incentive system aims to support the local public administration of the Azores in the processes of digital transformation of public services, in the creation of sustainable electronic services and in the promotion of innovation and competitiveness.

According to a statement from the Regional Government, SIMAAPL is an instrument that will guarantee the financing of several projects of the local public administration of the Azores, allowing the transformation of public services, on the path of digital transition and orienting them towards citizens and companies.

“With this incentive system, the Government of the Azores aims to provide a better public service, reinforcing proximity and easier, safer, more effective and efficient access for citizens, and reducing the costs of the context, promoting the modernisation and training of the regional public administration.”

The financing of this incentive system is 100% guaranteed by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR), with the exception of the value of VAT, when it is not recoverable, which is guaranteed by the regional budget, with a global allocation of 5.5 million euros.

The Governing Council also approved the Regional Regulatory Decree approving the organization and management staff, specific direction and leadership of the Regional Secretariat for Parliamentary Affairs and Communities.

The Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Food was also authorized to create a financial aid, “of an extraordinary nature, for the acquisition of fibrous concentrate for livestock feed in the Autonomous Region of the Azores.”

The Government of the Azores, through the Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Food, “aware and concerned about the current drought situation that is being felt in the Azores, especially in some islands, has been working on alternatives to support the shortage of feed for livestock on livestock farms”.

The resolution authorizing the transfer of 1.9 million euros to the Institute for the Financing of Agriculture and Fisheries, IP, to pay the expenses related to the intervention of the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (PEPAC Azores) for the “areas affected by specific conditions” was also approved.

The Governing Council provided 1.3 million euros to cover the costs related to the intervention related to agro-environmental and climate measures.”

The Governing Council authorized the transfer of the payment of the premium supplement to milk producers of the POSEI program to the Agricultural and Fisheries Financing Institute, IP.

It was also decided to transfer to IFAP, IP, the amount of around four million, intended to pay the premium supplement to milk producers.

It was also possible to review the Tourism Planning Plan of the Autonomous Region of the Azores (POTRAA), currently the Territorial Tourism Development Plan of the Azores (PDTA).

Source: Observadora

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