HomeWorldChina announces legal measures against separatist activities in Taiwan

China announces legal measures against separatist activities in Taiwan

The Chinese government announced legal measures for “separatist activities” carried out by Taiwanese independence activists. “We will not tolerate it,” Beijing promises.

The Chinese Government announced this Wednesday the creation of “legal measures to severely punish people involved in separatist activities and who incite the division of the country,” in reference to those who Beijing considers supporters of Taiwan independence.

The spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council (Executive) of China, Chen Binhua, declared at a press conference that he is “concerned about the intransigent stance of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on independence, a few days before the taking of possession.” of President-elect William Lai, considered a “troublemaker” by Beijing.

The spokesperson stressed that separatism “betrays the national well-being and deviates from the desire of the people”endangering the “sovereignty, security and development interests” of the country.

Chen denounced the efforts of certain groups in Taiwan to “seek external support and deliberately provoke cross-Strait confrontations and opposition, hindering and preventing normal exchanges and interaction.”

“The situation in the Taiwan Strait is tense and volatile,” he said. “We will not tolerate, be lenient or passive in the face of these types of actions.“he added.

The new legal measures, which were not detailed by the spokesperson, are “targeted specifically at a small number of separatists and their activities” and “do not affect Taiwanese citizens in general.” Chen called on Taiwanese citizens to “remain faithful to national welfare” and “follow the historical trend,” recognizing the “extreme danger of separatism.”

In the last few hours, Taiwan detected the presence of 45 Chinese military aircraft around the islandthe highest figure since September of last year.

Since the presidential election on January 13, in which Lai – considered an “independence supporter” in the eyes of Beijing – won with 40% of the vote, China has intensified its pressure on the island of Taiwan, which it considers a rebel province whose “reunification” does not exclude the use of force.

Lai Ching-te, of the independence party, wins the elections in Taiwan with 40% of the votes and promises to respond to “Chinese intimidation”

Source: Observadora

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