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Agreement with Russia may condition positions of Sao Tome in international organizations

The military agreement with Russia threatens to condition São Tomé’s future positions, particularly before the UN, by providing for cooperation with Moscow within the “framework of international organizations and forums.”

The military agreement between Russia and Sao Tome and Principe, signed in April, threatens to condition the future positions of the Portuguese-speaking country, particularly before the UN, by providing for cooperation with Moscow within the “framework of international organizations and forums.”

According to the document, to which Lusa had access, the parties agreed to cooperate in these bodies on “fundamental issues of international security and stability” and, in addition, “coordinate efforts to jointly confront the challenges and threats to global and regional security and stability.” ”. .

From the commitment signed on April 24 and in force since May 5, it does not seem to follow that changes will necessarily arise from Sao Tome in relation to the positions adopted in international organizations with respect to Russia, but, given the formalization of the “cooperation” on “fundamental issues of international security and stability”, the question arises of how Sao Tome will vote on possible future new United Nations resolutions similar to the two condemnations of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, which Sao Tome voted for in favor.

The agreement provides for the “exchange of information on issues of mutual interest in the military field,” as well as (reinforcing the previous idea) the “exchange of experiences and information on the implementation of national defense doctrines.”

The parties also committed to carrying out “consultations on global and regional security issues” and organizing “joint operational and combat training activities”; “participate in military exercises”; “stopover of military ships and military aviation visits.”

“Construction and reform of the armed forces”, “combat training of troops”, “cooperation in recruiting the armed forces”, “use of weapons and military equipment and logistics”, “exchange of experience and information within the framework “the fight against extremist ideology and international terrorism” and the “exchange of experiences and information in the fight against piracy” are also identified, among others, in this framework agreement.

The agreement provides for the creation of a “joint working group” with the aim of coordinating the cooperation now signed, whose meetings will be held “alternatively” in each of the countries. It was planned to develop a “military cooperation plan”, which will include “activities, forms, places and times, as well as the definition of the responsible bodies, the number of participants and other issues.”

What was agreed in the article is based on the assumption of the parties’ desire to “develop long-term military cooperation”, which, the co-signatories emphasize, “contributes to the reinforcement of international peace and stability.”

The “financial aspects” are included as an autonomous article in the text, establishing that each party assumes the “independent” financing of the “expenses of its representatives related to the implementation of this agreement”, if they do not agree “otherwise”. ”. “, “written”.

More importantly, however, is that “the implementation of activities under the agreement will depend on the availability of financing from the parties.” Finally, the article establishes confidentiality commitments for information on military cooperation, emergency medical assistance, applicable legislation, jurisdiction and legal protection, security and dispute resolution.

The agreement was entered into for an “indefinite period of time,” and can be terminated by written notification through diplomatic channels, in which case its validity will cease 180 days after receipt of the notification by the opposing party.

The signing of the agreement was reported on the 6th by the official Russian agency Sputnik, which highlighted that military cooperation between the countries “contributes to strengthening international peace and stability”, and later confirmed by the Government of Sao Tome, with the opposition. criticizing the “secret” in which it occurred.

Source: Observadora

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