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The parties call for action by the interparliamentary union in the face of the political crisis in Guinea-Bissau

The letter in question is a copy of the letter addressed to the president of the ECOWAS Commission asking for his intervention for “the return to democratic normality” in Guinea-Bissau.

The vast majority of political parties with parliamentary seats in Guinea-Bissau requested the intervention of the Interparliamentary Union (IPU) to help resolve the country’s political situation, the office of the president of the National People’s Assembly of Guinea announced this Monday.

The assembly has been closed since the dissolution decided by the President of the Republic, Umaro Sissoco Embaló, in December 2023.challenged by the PAI-Terra Ranka coalition, since the 12 months established by the Constitution have not yet elapsed after the legislative elections in which it obtained the absolute majority.

Other political forces have joined the coalition, replaced by a presidential initiative government, in particular the Forum for the Salvation of Democracy (FSD), which brings together the MADEM-G15, PRS and APU parties, which signed a letter delivered this Monday to the secretary general of the UIP.

According to a press release issued by the presidency of the National Popular Assembly (ANP) of Guinea-Bissau, it was Domingos Simões Pereira himself who delivered the letter this Monday, in Geneva, Switzerland, to the person in charge of the international agenda. organization dedicated to helping resolve international conflicts.

The letter in questiondepending on the source, It is a copy of the letter addressed to the President of the ECOWAS Commission. (Economic Community of West African States) asking for their intervention for the “return to democratic normality” in Guinea-Bissau.

According to the note from Simões Pereira’s office, “the letter was signed by the top leaders of the Terra Ranka Inclusive Alliance Platform (PAI-TERRA RANKA) and by the Forum for the Salvation of Democracy (FSD), which brings together the MADEM- G15 (founded by President Sissoco Embaló), PRS and APU.

In the statement, it is highlighted that these parties represent “94% of the national chamber, the cradle of Guinean democracy,” and that the letter they sign “expresses the main points of consensus of the Guinean political parties regarding the interpretation of the modalities for the return to democratic normality in Guinea-Bissau and respect for the constitutional order.”

They point out that they defend “the reopening and operation of the ANP, the immediate scheduling of presidential elections for this year, the replacement of the Supreme Court of Justice and the legalization of the constitution and operation of the National Electoral Commission.”

The signatories of the letter also express their interest in the ECOWAS military force stationed in Guinea-Bissau “resuming its original mandate to support the stabilization of the country and strengthen the overall security of the population and institutions of the Republic.”instead of the current mission of monitoring the repressive actions of the President of the Republic.”

With this step, the political parties represented ask the IPU to “help the ECOWAS Member States, so that they can deliberate at the July summit” on the political situation in Guinea-Bissau.

The subscribers warn that only external intervention can prevent “a further escalation of political tension” and allow “an immediate return to normality.”

Source: Observadora

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