HomeWorldThe management of the Portuguese media blocked by Russia,...

The management of the Portuguese media blocked by Russia, including Observador, repudiates the decision and calls for withdrawal

In Russia Observer, Expresso, Público and RTP Internacional were blocked. The management of the four media outlets considers that this is a “decision that violates freedom of information.”

After the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it will ban 81 European media outlets, including Observador, RTP Internacional, Público and Expresso, the management of the four Portuguese media outlets reacted and defined the decision as an “attack on freedom of information.” ”, which is why “they repudiate this attitude and ask for the lifting of these restrictions.”

“Whatever the reasons, we cannot help but regret and condemn this attitude, which constitutes a serious limitation on the freedom to inform and be informed, a basic condition of the rule of law and democracies,” say the directors of the four organizations. of information, in a joint communication.

Observer and three other Portuguese media among 81 banned in Russia

According to the Russian Ministry, this measure is a retaliation for the European Union’s decision to ban “any broadcasting activities” of the Russian media outlets RIA Novosti, Izvestia, Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Voice of Europe. As announced this Tuesday in a statement, the announced restrictions will affect European media that “systematically spread false information about the evolution” of the war in Ukraine.

Source: Observadora

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