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Frelimo seeks support from the MPLA to win elections in Mozambique

Daniel Chapo sees both parties as brothers who were born together and fought together, so they support each other. For the leader, the MPLA’s support will “galvanize the electorate” during the campaign.

The leader of Frelimo and presidential candidate in Mozambique, Daniel Chapo, sought this Wednesday in Luanda the support of the MPLA, a party he considers brother, recalling that the two parties and the two countries have had similar historical processes.

“What led me to be here is the need to strengthen relations and cooperation between the two countries, but mainly between the parties, and also ask for support from our Angolan brothers, especially the MPLA, for this electoral process that is taking place on neighbor. We are going to have elections on October 9 and We need to win and win well.and united we can win,” Daniel Chapo told journalists after meeting with the leadership of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA, in power).

El Chapo highlighted that he has been receiving “moral and spiritual” support from “comrades” from different MPLA structures, which will help “galvanize the electorate” when the campaign arrives.

The Frelimo leader recalled that the parties were born together and both fought for their independence, achieved in the same year, that of Mozambique on June 25 and that of Angola on November 11, 1975.

“We are brothers, we were born together, we fight together. for the freedom and independence of our homelands and thus we achieved our independence,” said the Frelimo leader, recalling that both countries also went through periods of war after independence, and achieved peace processes at the same time.

“For this reason, when we have electoral processes, we are parties that have always united, so that, with joint efforts, we can achieve our victories,” highlighted the politician.

“When there are elections [em Angola]”Frelimo has been here, with the MPLA, and when there are elections in Mozambique, the MPLA has also been with Frelimo,” El Chapo continued, calling the two parties “liberators.”

Elections in Mozambique. Constitutional Court approves four candidacies for President of the Republic

Daniel Chapo was received this Wednesday morning by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, also president of the MPLA, with whom he addressed aspects related to the development of Angola and Mozambique and cooperation between both countries, and from whom he also received a “guarantee of spiritual and moral support.”

The candidate stated that Frelimo “is not a party of promises but of doing” and that the party’s objective is to continue respecting the ideals of independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, contributing to increasing the self-esteem and patriotic values ​​of youth.

“For the future, we must continue fighting for economic independence of our countries and continue developing our countries, combat hunger, poverty, attract more investments, generate income,” he listed.

The Constitutional Council (CC) of Mozambique approved four candidates for the position of President of the Republic in the October 9 elections, out of a total of 11 presented to the body: Daniel Chapo, supported by the Mozambique Liberation Front (Frelimo), in power, Ossufo Momade, supported by the Mozambican National Resistance (Renamo), the largest opposition party, Lutero Simango, supported by the Mozambique Democratic Movement (MDM), the third parliamentary force, and Venâncio Mondlane, supported by the Coalition of the Democratic Alliance (CAD), which brings together nine political parties.

Nine political formations already registered for the general elections in Mozambique

The general elections include the presidential elections, in which the current president, Filipe Nyusi, is no longer running, having reached the two-term limit established in the Constitution, after having been elected in 2015 and 2019.

Presidential elections are held simultaneously with legislative elections, gubernatorial elections and provincial assemblies.

Source: Observadora

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