A major controversy erupted in Egypt after a symposium held at the Egyptian Writers’ Union, at which the poet Nasser Dovidar spoke, referring to the late Umm Kulthum and the poet Ahmed Rami (1892/1981), who describes the deceased woman in indignant terms. different from them. Dovidar said: “The uniform of the late woman is sloppy and she treats the poet Rami with special logic.” He described the relationship between the duo as “the relationship of a wolf with its victim” and Devidar called Umm Kulthum “selfish” and said she was “manipulated by Rami, who treated her as a lover”. his.

Dovidar believes that “the things that Rami subjected to Umm Kulthum were the cause of her creativity, as if she was waiting for these blows to write special songs”, as he said.
The words of the Egyptian poet were greeted by a wave of statements and comments that have not abated in recent times. The syndicate of music professions in Egypt, led by Hani Shaker, has expressed a refusal to “insult” Umm Kulthum, saying it will stand up to these people and condemn all attempts to weaken our heritage and artistic symbols, such as the Arabic lady singer Umm Kulthum, who united the Arab nation. ” The syndicate expressed its condemnation of “any insult to Egyptian poets, which has been planted in the minds of all Egyptians and Arabs and has become symbols of its culture and rebirth.”
For its part, the Egyptian Association of Authors, Composers and Publishers, led by Medhat El-Adl, decided to file a complaint with the prosecutor against Dovidar, accusing him of insulting the poet Ahmed Rami, considered one of symbols and founders. of the Society of Writers and Composers, as well as the late artist Umm Kulthum.
In this context, the poet Nasser Dovidar, who underwent a brutal campaign, apologized for what he had done. And the Egyptian poet said in a comment on his Facebook page: “Who am I to be wrong about the Arab singer Umm Kulthum and the poet, to whom I wrote articles proving my love and respect for her art. But the words were taken out of context. And my kids read inexplicable swearing. I am amazed at the amount of insults and positions that are supposed to protect truth, virtue and beauty. ”