On Fox News America Reports on Monday, Rep. Kathy McMorris Rogers (R-WA) said one of the problems with the national infant formula shortage is that the industry is “consolidating significantly due to FDA regulations in the name of safety.”
said Rogers [relevant remarks begin around 3:45] “This is where Congress needs to audit. We have to do our job as elected representatives of the people to get answers as to why it happened, why it took so long, and what the FDA’s plan will be. They monitor the safety of the formula. But they’ve clearly shut the factory down, but what happened and America’s plan.” They didn’t answer the question of how we can be sure we have a formula for families in .
He added: “The FDA has missed the ball and we need to get some answers. Yes, we want to make sure infant formula is completely safe. We all share this goal. But the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just shut down… we can import safe infant formula from other countries. Here in the United States There are ready-made manufacturers in their states, they want to get the green light from the FDA, but the FDA is like a black hole.”
Rogers concluded: “[T]Due to FDA regulations, there has been a lot of consolidation in the industry in the name of safety. FDA, you have to do your job and make sure we really have stock. ”
Source: Breitbart