HomeEconomyAzores Government Signals Tax Cuts, Opposition Criticizes "Inaction"

Azores Government Signals Tax Cuts, Opposition Criticizes “Inaction”

The Government of the Azores reiterated this Thursday that it has been “fighting against inflation by lowering taxes” since January, admitting to taking “other necessary measures”, and the opposition criticized the inaction of the PSD/CDS-PP/PPM executive in the face of the inflationary crisis. crisis.

In the Azores, since January, we have been fighting inflation by lowering taxes. Supplements were paid to COMPAMID in August [Complemento para a Aquisição de Medicamentos pelos idosos], family allowance, social energy rate, and we are in negotiations to increase the complementary remuneration of the public administration. The middle class and the poor are being compensated, but they will deserve our attention in the coming months. The government is available to take other necessary measures,” said Duarte Freitas, regional Treasury Secretary, in response to a political declaration by the PS in the plenary session of the Regional Legislative Assembly.

Sandra Faria, from the PS, lamented the “inaction” of the executive and the reference to “measures taken in another context”, in the face of the inflationary crisis, demanding the return of the extra VAT collected by inflation, while BE defended an increase in wages, pensions and the regional supplement to the minimum wage.

“We are talking about the highest value ever collected by inflation in VAT revenues. This government has the means and resources to support families and businesses, choosing not to. It continues listing measures taken in another context”, observed the socialist deputy Sandra Faria.

The parliamentarian pointed out that “this position of not proceeding with the measures is explained by the fact that this government has, until July 2022, the largest deficit registered”, stressing that “inaction is not the response that the Azoreans deserve”.

“We are witnessing the inertia of the Regional Government”, he censored, defending the “urgency of an effective fight against inflationary pressure”.

The PS considers that the region “must return to families what it has collected in tax revenue through inflation” and that it estimates that, by the end of the year, “it will amount to 50 million euros, only referring to VAT.” [Imposto sobre Valor Acrescentado]”.

“The government mentioned measures of 800 thousand euros. You have a duty to repay any excess income you receive. You are making money on inflation. The Azores and the Azoreans are falling behind”, he warned.

António Lima, from BE, referred to a “new negative coalition in the country, between the government of the Republic and the regional government of the Azores, against the Azoreans”.

“Why does the regional government find the measures of the Republic very positive, in relation to which the national PSD has said snakes and lizards? Does it contradict the national PSD and its new leader? He says that so as not to have to implement measures in the Azores”, he points out.

The parliamentarian criticized the government’s objection to “interfering in prices”.

“When it comes to helping people, leave good intentions in the drawer. [o governo da República e o regional]. It is essential to combat the effects of inflation and also to combat inflation. This was perhaps the only fortune-telling government in history. In 2021, no one predicted this inflation and wants to convince us that the tax cut was to fight inflation. The Azoreans have not seen a penny drop in VAT”, said António Lima.

António Vasco Viveiros, from the PSD, warned that, in the region, tax revenues until July “It grew 4.9%, compared to the same period last year, while the country had an increase of 20%”.

The parliamentarian highlighted the reduction in unemployment, the reduction in VAT and the IRS, pointing out “margin for additional measures”, but praising what “has happened so far” as “positive”.

Rui Martins, from the CDS, indicated that “this government lowered taxes in advance and it was found to be the correct decision.”

“This government acted preventively out of conviction,” he said.

Paulo Estêvão, from the PPM, recalled that the PS “voted against lowering taxes”.

Nuno Barata, from the Liberal Initiative, considered that the “strong package presented by António Costa [primeiro-ministro] it is not strong nor does it solve the problems of Portuguese families”, rather “it takes a lot with one hand and returns a little bit small with the other”.

Jose Pacheco, from Chega, accused the socialist deputies of “populists” and a “political fraud”referring to the support of 125 euros announced by the government of the Republic as “alms” and pointing out that “the problem of inflation cannot be solved in this way”.

Source: Observadora

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