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Judicial officials deliver a month’s strike notice. The closure could last until April

The Union of Judicial Employees (SFJ) gave a one-month strike notice, between February 15 and March 15, but admits extending the strike until April, if the Ministry of Justice does not comply with the demands.

In statements to Lusa, the president of the SFJ, António Marçal, anticipated a “different strike”, which will affect judicial proceedings, in addition to the services of the Public Ministry (MP), the registration of accounting acts and the practice of acts related to requests for criminal records, underlining the expectation of “a very large adherence” from judicial officials.

“It will have a very big impact on the lives of citizens, because this is a demonstration that the justice machine does not work without justice operators. We are the oil that makes the engine work as it should. and, when it doesn’t exist, the machine starts to stall and can ‘jam’. This is a reality well known to all,” he said.

Among the main demands are the provision of vacancies in the career of bailiffs, the opening of procedures for access to all categories of the career, the integration of the procedural complement of recovery at expiration, the inclusion in a special retirement regime and access to the pre-retirement regime and review of the professional situation.

“This first prior notice lasts one month and then, if the Ministry of Justice and the Government do nothing, a new prior notice will follow,” warned António Marçal, recalling that many of the class’s complaints have already been the subject of of resolutions in the Assembly of the Republic or included in the regulations of the State Budget.

Without ceasing to highlight the overtime that judicial employees are not paid, despite being necessary for procedures that take place outside working hours, the union leader emphasized: “We are the only career in the judicial system that has not yet been reviewed its status. and it is important that it be reviewed to change the functional contents that are assigned to us, a dignified career and salary valuation”.

According to the notice, minimum services are provided for in the “discussion and trial hearings/proceedings in all organic units” when rights and interests protected by the Constitution are at stake, the presentation of the detainees and accused to the judicial authority, procedural acts indispensable. the guarantee of freedom, the adoption of acts whose delay may harm children and young people and the urgent measures provided for in the Mental Health Law.

Still questioned about the recent announcement of the hiring of 200 bailiffs, the president of the SFJ downplayed the impact that this measure could have on the ground.

“What experience tells us is that these 200 employees will go to regions like Lisbon, Lisbon West or Lisbon North, where the cost of living is more expensive than in the rest of the country. Without candidates, as has been demonstrated in the last movements, it is one more procedure that will be deserted. Nobody wants to come to work in Lisbon and earn less than 800 euros net when they know that a room costs 400, 450 or even 500 euros”, he concluded.

Source: Observadora

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