HomeEconomyTAP: Former Secretary of State Miguel Cruz heard this...

TAP: Former Secretary of State Miguel Cruz heard this Tuesday in an investigative commission

The former Secretary of State for the Treasury, Miguel Cruz, will appear this Tuesday at the TAP investigation commission, set up after the controversial compensation to Alexandra Reis, on the political protection of the airline’s management.

Miguel Cruz was Secretary of State for Finance, with the financial supervision of TAPbetween June 2020 and March 2022, a position he assumed after leaving the presidency of Parpública, a company that manages State participations, such as, for example, in the airline.

The ex-governor had only been in office for a short time when, together with the then Ministers of Finance, João Leão, and of Infrastructure and Housing, Pedro Nuno Santos, it was announced, at a press conference, the return of the airline to state controlafter the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and after five years of private management.

It was also during Miguel Cruz’s tenure that TAP’s restructuring plan was drawn up and approved, which involved layoffs and salary cuts that are still being applied.

miguel cross He was also Secretary of State for Finance when the former administrator Alexandra Reis left TAP, in February 2022, with compensation of half a million euros, negotiated based on the code of commercial companies and not the statute of public manager, which has covered TAP since it returned to State control.

TAP. Contract worth 625 thousand euros for paper cups was approved by the executive committee, but no compensation for Alexandra Reis

Alexandra Reis, after serving as president of NAV Portugal – Navegação Aérea, was appointed Secretary of State for Finance, a position she held between December 2, 2022 and January 4, 2023, having been dismissed by Minister Fernando Medina, after the controversial compensation.

Before Miguel Cruz’s hearing, scheduled for 5:00 p.m., the former Minister of Planning and Infrastructure, Pedro Marques, is also heard in Parliament, in the Economy, Public Works, Planning and Housing Commission, starting at 2:00 p.m. at the request of the PSD, on the situation of TAP in the period 2015-2023.

Initially, it was scheduled for this tuesday the hearing in the commission of investigation of the former Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Sérgio Monteiro, and that of Miguel Cruz was scheduled for June 1, after which an exchange took place, with Sérgio Monteiro being heard on Thursday.

TAP: Sérgio Monteiro “obviously available” for all clarifications

Source: Observadora

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