HomeEconomyFesap hopes that the logic of recovering teaching service...

Fesap hopes that the logic of recovering teaching service time will extend to other careers

The Federation of Public Administration Unions (Fesap) says that the Government has indicated that it is “evaluating” the multi-year agreement on salaries in public services signed by the previous government. The union structure affects UGT, which, meeting for the first time with the Secretary of State for Public Administrations, requests “urgency” in the publication of two ordinances that operationalize the review of the evaluation system (SIADAP), which already has effects on the cycle evaluation of 2023 and 2024, and “equity” between careers. The Common Front of the CGTP insists on provisional salary increases.

The Secretary of State for Public Administrations, Marisa Garrido, received this Wednesday the public administration unions, Fesap, Frente Comum and STE, for presentation meetings, the first since the Government took office. One of the issues that Fesap put on the table was the salary agreement signed by the previous government, that union structure and the STE (the Common Front, which affects the CGTP, was left out).

According to José Abraão, leader of Fesap, the Government is evaluating the document. “They are evaluating it, the Government is evaluating the agreement and we will see in the end what evaluation it makes. We realized that in this team there is a grand opening for negotiation and dialogue,” he stated. The agreement provided, among other things, for an increase of at least 52 euros per year until 2026. For Fesap, it is important to “improve it” because “there are workers who had increases of 2% and 3% who fell short.” inflation for two years and last year.”

Fesap will meet with the national secretariat next week, but José Abraão says that a review of the agreement is an issue “that we will present in the annual general negotiation”, when the State Budget for 2025 is negotiated.

But leave a warning: Like teachers, you want to ensure a full recovery for other careers. workers in general who only recovered 70% of their points, including workers who did not benefit from the so-called “accelerator”, as he later explained to the Observer. Abraão is glad that “the problem of counting teachers’ service time has been resolved” because “it surely also helps us do justice to all the other workers, who were counted 70% of the points obtained.” In the case of teachers, progression is based on length of service, but in other careers, such as general careers, it is based on evaluation points. As happened with teachers with time in service, these careers only recovered part of the points that were frozen.

Fesap says that the Secretary of State, Marisa Garrido, assured that “she wants to maintain equity” between races. “Public Administration is a whole, despite the fact that the Government has defined these priorities [na negociação com os professores ou os polícias, por exemplo]. Now let’s move forward with the group of workers to address the problems that are on the table with equity, responsibility and seriousness,” she asks.

Regarding SIADAP, which is also included in the signed agreement, José Abraão calls for “urgency” in the publication of two ordinances linked to “the regulation of competencies, which are merely instrumental but decisive for the system to be applied.”

The Government Program provides that “merit should be more valued and reflected in the remuneration conditions of public servants, which will be guaranteed by the modernization of the updating systems and general career progressions, aimed at the creation of the remuneration supplement by performance”, but the Executive has not yet specified what it intends to do.

Next week a new meeting with the union structures will be scheduled and, in this new meeting, José Abraão hopes that a re-evaluation of the agreement has already been carried out and “there will be concrete answers on the improvements that can be made.” The meeting lasted more than an hour.

Common Front insists on salary increases in the medium term. I don’t want to wait for the OE

The meeting between the Secretary of State and the Common Front lasted “11 minutes,” Sebastião Santana told journalists, who complained that the meeting served only for a presentation, when the union structure already wanted to “start a negotiation process to provisional salary increases.” “.

“We do not renounce this central demand”We are not going to wait until September for public administration workers to recover purchasing power and schedule the negotiation of the common demand proposal, which is for 2024 and not 2025,” Sebastião Santana told reporters. The Common Front demands a provisional increase of 150 euros for all workers, with a minimum of 15%.

The unionist says that the Government “has already had time to start negotiation processes with sectors – and we see nothing wrong in that -, but there are processes with structures that represent all workers”, who understand that they must be started now.

The Common Front wants to schedule negotiation processes, including the SIADAP, the valorization of unrevised and special careers and careers, and “correct some problems that are already happening, such as the placement of senior technicians, which is creating problems of relative positions between workers . But “the Government was not prepared for any of this.”

STE: “The question of collapsing the agreement was not raised”

On the side of the State Technical Personnel Union (STE), María Helena Rodrigues considers it “urgent” that attention be paid to the review of careers that must be reviewed in the courts or in the inspection and “give shape to collective bargaining.” in the health area. These issues, as she understands, must be addressed to comply with the multi-year public service agreement, which she wants to maintain.

“The possibility of the deal falling apart was not raised. There are issues to be resolved that were in the multi-year agreement and, therefore, they will continue, they will have to be resolved,” said Helena Rodrigues, admitting that there is an “intention to improve” the content of what was agreed with the previous agreement. Executive.

Article updated with statements from all union structures and explanations from José Abraão about the recovery of points in other races

Source: Observadora

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