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Follow the first debate between Biden and Trump here

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The two main candidates for the US presidency, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, will hold their first debate tonight, on the eve of the presidential elections scheduled for November 5 of this year. The current American president, Joe Biden, who will be running again for the Democratic Party, faces the former president Donald Trump, who will be the choice of the Republican Party, in a debate organized by CNN that will last an hour and a half.

Unlike what has happened in the past, this debate is not organized by the Commission on Presidential Debates, an independent body that is sponsored by the two main American parties and whose mission is to organize the debates. The parties did not agree with the commission’s original proposals, which proposed holding three debates in September and October, and ended up agreeing on an alternative solution: holding two debates organized by television channels.

Tonight’s debate on CNN, scheduled for 9pm local time (2am in Lisbon), is the first of two. The second will take place on 10 September and will be hosted by ABC News.

The two candidates will face each other for 90 minutes (with two breaks) in a debate moderated by CNN journalists Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, which is governed by very strict rules: to avoid noise and interruptions, only the candidate’s microphone will be used. that it has the word is that it is connected; Additionally, candidates are not allowed to bring notes or props to the studio. CNN provides them both with a notebook, a pen and a bottle of water.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden face the first debate of the campaign with polls showing a close election (both have voting intentions around 45%, although there is a slight advantage for Trump in most polls).

The debate is taking place at a time when the American political debate is marked by international issues (especially the wars in Ukraine and Gaza), but also internally by issues such as abortion, education and immigration. These elections are also taking place in a complex context for Donald Trump, who is being pursued in several legal cases and was even found guilty of 34 crimes less than a month ago in the case of payments to a porn actress. On the other hand, Joe Biden, 81 years old, will have to face Trump’s criticism regarding his age.

Source: Observadora

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