HomeEconomyThe 25 best companies in the IT sector

The 25 best companies in the IT sector

This article is the responsibility of Great Place To Work®

This afternoon, Great Place To Work® distinguished the 25 companies in Portugal with the highest level of trust in the Information Technology sector, according to their employees. This was a historic milestone for Great Place to Work® with the publication of the first sectoral list in Portugal.

This list is divided into 3 dimensions, according to the number of employees, with AdvanceWorks occupying the first position in the ranking of small companies, Mind Source at the top of the size of medium-sized companies, and in the first position of large companies. It is the multinational Cisco

To be included in the list, all companies heard from employees, using the GPTW® questionnaire tool, Emprising, using a model proven around the world for more than 30 years. To find the Best IT WorkplacesTM, we considered all companies, with 20 or more employees, that were assigned to the Information Technology sector in Culture Brief and had their certification valid as of May 30, 2024.

Apart from this distinction, there was a round table dedicated to the topic: How to expand the limits of human potential through Artificial Intelligence For All, moderated by SIC journalist Lourenço Medeiros, and with the participation of Abreu Advogados, Founder and NOVA IMS, School of Information Management.

This round table highlighted the importance of the ability to adapt to new contexts and innovate in order to face the changes and impacts caused by Artificial Intelligence in work environments. Being able to react with agility and speed to increasingly changing and complex contexts and environments is crucial for the success of organizations, which is why innovation plays a decisive role, becoming one of the main competitive advantages of our companies. countries.

If we look at the Best WorkplacesTM IT, it is clear that, due to their current culture and characteristics, they are the most prepared for the implementation of AI. These are environments that promote innovation, that can come from anywhere and are not affected by a specific team. They are also characterized by a high capacity to adapt to change. However, there is still room for improvement, since its employees aspire to be more involved in the decision-making process and their ideas and suggestions, despite knowing that some may not be implemented, are taken into account.

Through the Innovation Velocity Ratio (IVR), created by GPTW, to measure the level of organizational speed and agility, quantifying the ability of employees to adapt and innovate, it is known that the Best IT WorkplacesTM are in the intermediate stage, the a functional one. At this stage, companies are already innovating, but they are not going as fast as they could.

The preparation of employees for this “new world” and issues related to ethics were another of the points discussed. It is worth noting here that 88% of Best Workplaces IT employees say they have training or upskilling courses available to enhance their professional development. And 96% of employees characterize their leadership as ethical and honest in managing the business. Believing, furthermore, that management does and will do everything possible to avoid resorting to layoffs and that it genuinely cares about employees, as people. Empathy is needed!

And the organizational culture is marked by the relationship of trust that is established between leaders and followers and by the relationship between colleagues “the taste of who you work with.” The Best WorkplacesTM IT are characterized by strong camaraderie (94%), collaboration (94%), solidarity (94%), hospitality (96%) and celebration of important milestones (96%). Leadership is characterized by being accessible (94%), competent (94%) and trusting in the work that employees do, giving them autonomy (95%), in addition to being ethical and honest, as we saw previously. And Best WorkplacesTM IT indicators prove once again that investing in people really makes a difference and positively impacts the business. The 25 Best WorkplacesTM recorded a trust rating of 91%, higher than the IT market by 9 percentage points.

But it’s not just the trust index that is superior, a Best WorkplacesTM record:

  • An increase of 5 percentage points in revenue compared to the IT market;
  • A growth in the total number of employees 4pp higher than that of the IT market.

And in such a competitive market for top talent, Best Workplaces™ IT managed to retain more talent than the market, recording a turnover rate of less than 5 percentage points compared to the IT market. Associated with rotation, employees of these organizations also intend to work in these organizations for much longer (+13pp, which is the IT market average), which reinforces the excellence of these organizations.

In the era of artificial intelligence, it is the organizations that “feel” and “demonstrate” genuine empathy, which machines are incapable of feeling, the Best IT Workplaces™ that stand out for their differentiated culture and their strong relationship of trust not only between colleagues, but also between leaders and followers. Demonstrating that it is organizations that can maximize human potential and provide a positive work experience to all employees, that outperform the competition and retain talent longer.

Learn more about what makes these companies the best in the sector at www.greatplacetowork.pt/melhores-lugares-para-trabalhor-tecnologias-da-informacao

Source: Observadora

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