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Megapoll predicts historic defeat for Britain’s Conservatives, with Rishi Sunak at risk of losing his MP seat

A poll with ten times as many interviews as usual predicts the Conservatives will lose 312 seats and Labor will win with a supermajority. Doubts are growing over whether Sunak will remain in the UK.

A catastrophe for British conservatives. This is the result predicted by a mega-poll published by the Telegraph, which indicates that the next elections in the United Kingdom, scheduled for July 4, could bring a historic first: Rishi Sunak could be the first Prime Minister in history to fail In the elections. for the country’s Parliament.

If the elections were held today, the survey indicates, conservatives would suffer a loss of hundreds of seats, would lose 312 deputies and would have only 53 seats in Parliament, a very considerable difference compared to the 365 seats they elected in the last election, in 2019. This was followed by several resignations and replacements in the Government. (Boris Johnson formed the Government in 2019 and left it in 2022, with Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak as successors) who do not seem, according to these forecasts, to have pleased the electorate. So, according to the Telegraph, among the seats lost would be Sunak’s own, as well as “three quarters” of the members of the current Executive.

The radical change in the British political system would trigger the vote for Labour: Labour, now led by Keir Starmer, who would become Prime Minister in this scenario, would have 516 seats in Parliament, compared to the 314 they currently have. For this reason, the Telegraph recalls the advertisements that the conservative party itself has placed on social networks, in which it admits the possibility of Labor reaching “the largest majority they have ever had”, dramatizing the result of these elections to the maximum and the possible “Labor Supermajority.

Sunak has also admitted the risk of a tough defeat, having begun, in his speeches, to call for a Conservative vote to prevent Labor from having a “blank check” in its hands and being able to “change the rules to be in power.” for a long time” and “do what you want with our country.”

Another risk that the conservatives run is that the liberal democrats become a very relevant opposition force. In this survey, they do not surpass Sunak’s party, but they are very close to their projected results: in this scenario they would win 39 seats, which would give them 50 deputies, only three less than the Conservatives.

The same study predicts that Nigel Farage’s reform will fail to elect any MPs and that the SNP (Scottish National Party) will lose forty MPs and elect only eight.

The enormous changes in the British political landscape are predicted by a survey by the company Savanta, which interviewed 18,000 people (approximately ten times the usual sample, explains the Telegraph) between June 7 and 18.

Although this is the poll that predicts a more dramatic scenario for the Conservatives (and a bigger victory for Labour), other studies have consistently pointed to a major defeat for Sunak’s party. And that is why, as Politico explains here, speculation has increased about what the current prime minister’s next steps could be and whether those plans will include the luxury house, valued at 7.2 million dollars (6.7 million euros), which is located in Santa Monica. , California, United States.

The Prime Minister’s appeals have become a source of conversation and provocation in this electoral campaign; As Politico also explains, “send Sunak to California” has become something of an opposition slogan.

Sunak, in fact, lived and worked in that American state, having studied at Stanford University, met his wife and managed an investment fund in Santa Monica. Still, despite speculation that former Stanford colleagues will have lucrative opportunities to propose in California, Sunak has denied that he is planning to return if he loses the election (and, according to this latest prediction, loses his own MP seat). .

In 2022, Sunak was heavily criticized when it emerged that he had been granted a US visa. which allows you to have permanent residence in the US.until 2021, while he was an MP (he returned it before his first official trip to the United States as a British government minister).

Source: Observadora

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