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Spain announces the start of the dismantling process of the Almaraz nuclear power plant

The Spanish public company Enresa, in charge of radioactive waste management, announced the start of the bidding process for engineering services for the dismantling of the Almaraz nuclear power plant, located in the province of Cáceres.

According to the Spanish news agency EFE, the Public Procurement Platform included this Tuesday the early announcement of this contest, whose The base budget is 28 million euros and the execution period is five years..

The object of the contract is the provision of engineering services for the dismantling of the Almaraz nuclear power plant, located in the province of Cáceres, with a view to carrying out two studies and engineering for the concession, specifications and work projects and preparation of documents for authorization Of the same.

According to the operation and dismantling program of nuclear facilities in Spain, included in the VII General Radioactive Waste Plan, the dates of cessation of operation of Almaraz Units I and II are scheduled for November 2027 and October 2028, respectively.

According to EFE, from these dates a period of three years will open to transfer ownership of the plant, currently in the hands of Iberdrola, Endesa and Naturgy, to Enresa to address aspects of the dismantling. whose mandate covers the next 10 years, that is, between 2030 and 2041.

However, the Almaraz nuclear power plant is working on two possible scenarios: the cessation of operation of its two units (2027-2028) as defined in the calendar and the possibility of extending the deadline, which must be communicated in the first quarter of 2025. .to avoid organizational and absence setbacks.

If the Spanish government and the three owner companies were to announce a possible expansion of activity beyond the first quarter of 2025, Almaraz would have to temporarily cease its activity in 2027-2028 to reorganise its planning.

The Almaraz nuclear power plant created an Asset Transition department to address the start of the possible decommissioning process and begin the operation of its second Individualized Temporary Storage (ATI) starting in 2026, to be able to house all the fuel elements that are currently located. in unity. cooling pools.

The Almaraz plant reached 17,000 gigawatt hours (GWh) of gross production in 2023, the third best historical value since the beginning of its commercial operation in 1983and its reliability and operational stability indicators place it in the highest category of the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO).

Iberian movement satisfied with announcement

The Iberian Antinuclear Movement (MIA) expressed its satisfaction with the announcement of the closure of the Spanish nuclear power plant, in charge of managing radioactive waste.

In statements to the Lusa agency, José Janela, director of Quercus, one of the associations that make up the MIA in Portugal, states that The announcement “is a first step and the Spanish government is going in the right direction”.

“The day of victory will be when the two reactors stop working and it is necessary to dismantle the plant in complete safety,” he summarized.

The environmentalist also highlights that Quercus and MIA have been warning of the danger posed by the Almaraz nuclear power plant: “The operating period should not have been extended and we will all remain attentive to the entire process.”

MIA has been fighting for closure for many years of this nuclear power plant “which constitutes a danger for Spain and also for Portugal”.

The Almaraz plant is located next to the Tagus River and borders the Portuguese districts of Castelo Branco and Portalegre, with Vila Velha de Ródão being the first Portuguese settlement bathed by the Tagus after the river entered Portugal.

In operation since 1981 (commercial operation since 1983), the plant is located in a seismic risk area and only 110 kilometers in a straight line from the Portuguese border.

The movement hopes that a social plan will also be created for the professional reconversion of workers at the Almaraz plant and that green and decent jobs can be created for everyone.

The Spanish government renewed the exploration license for Groups I and II of the Almaraz plant in July 2020, extending it until November 1, 2027 and October 31, 2028, respectively.

The owners of the Almaraz plant are Iberdrola (53%), Endesa (36%) and Naturgy (11%).

Source: Observadora

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