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PS insists on Aguiar-Branco due to lack of response from the Minister of Finance

The PS questioned the President of the Assembly of the Republic about the delay in the response of the Department of Finance to the request to obtain the list of diplomas approved by the previous Government which, according to the PSD/CDS-PP executive, represent expenses without budget scope.

According to the letter to which Lusa had access, dated Friday, the socialists insist José Pedro Aguiar-Branco for the request presented on May 10 and in which they asked the reasons given by the Minister of State and Finance, Joaquim Miranda Sarmento, about “the alleged expenses approved and not covered by the outgoing Government.”

According to the PS, this request for a detailed list of the titles approved by the previous Government that, according to the current executive, involve expenses without budgetary scope, has not yet been responded to by the PSD/CDS-PP Government.

The socialists use the Regulations of the Assembly of the Republic to indicate that the response to this type of requests “should not exceed 30 days,” which they say has already happened.

Taking into account the same rules that establish that, when it is not possible to respond within the deadline, the reasons for this delay must be presented to the President of the Assembly of the Republic, the PS asks precisely that of Aguiar-Branco.

Socialist deputies António Mendonça Mendes and Carlos Pereira, who signed the original request, want to know if Miranda Sarmento’s office made any communication about the “impossibility of responding to the request within the regulatory deadline, accompanying this communication with due justification.” .

At the origin of this request was, according to the socialists, the “information made public” by the Minister of Finance that “these alleged ‘unreasonable’ expenses had been assumed through 40 resolutions of the Council of Ministers and decrees approved between the dismissal of the previous Prime Minister and the inauguration of the new Government, for an amount of 1,200 million euros”, to which “1,080 million euros of extraordinary expenses are added and 240 million euros already committed from the provisional reserve.”

In addition to the detailed list of diplomas identified by the Government, the PS also requested a mapping of extraordinary expenses approved by the previous government and referred to by the current executive.

Source: Observadora

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