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Strike declared by the Union of Justice Officials begins this Friday

This Friday marks the start of a strike declared by the Union of Justice Officials (SOJ), which failed to reach an agreement in negotiations with the Ministry of Justice over salary and career demands.

Unlike the Union of Judicial Employees, which reached an agreement with the Government, the SOJ considers that “the social conflict continues because the Government has not presented anything significant to change the socio-professional situation of judicial officials or their working conditions.”

Therefore, starting this Friday, on Wednesday and Friday mornings, between 9:00 and 12:30, an indefinite strike will be carried out until the demands are accepted, that is, the salary table reviewthe raid on expiration of the procedural recovery supplement with effect from January 2021 and payment of this monthly amount 14 times a year.

Other demands are the opening of a promotion and access procedure to all categories whose places are vacant and the opening of a competition for entry to the career of judicial officer.

In recent statements to Lusa, The SOJ stated that the resolution of the conflict “is simple”The current government simply needs to fulfil the electoral programme presented to the Portuguese people in the last legislative elections on 10 March.

Source: Observadora

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