HomeHealth & FitnessThe best breakfast formula to “fight” dementia!

The best breakfast formula to “fight” dementia!

The world-famous Dr. William Lee has revealed the “best way to fight chronic diseases” such as dementia, a brain condition in which thinking abilities greatly deteriorate.

“Support our five health defense systems with the foods we eat every day,” starting with breakfast, the doctor suggested. “Here’s an example of my breakfast this morning to show how easy it is,” he said:

– Green Tea.

Sour bread.

– Kiwi.

“Green tea activates all five of the body’s healthy defense systems and contains bioactive compounds,” said Dr. Lee, while sourdough bread made with Lactobacillus reuteri “promotes healthy gut bacteria that help revitalize our immune system.”

“My job is to educate as many people as possible how they can use food to boost their health and healing from the inside out,” he told me.

He gave me an example: “One kiwi a day has been shown to reduce DNA damage by nearly six percent.”

– Green Tea

The researchers investigated the association between tea consumption and dementia risk and reached their conclusions by analyzing data from 377,592 participants at UK Biobank over a nine-year follow-up period.

First, tea drinkers were 16% more likely to have dementia than non -tea drinkers. Second, “moderate consumption,” that is, one to six cups a day, “has significant protective effects,” with three cups a day having “the strongest protective effect.” And third, the subgroup analysis showed that middle-aged or male participants benefited more from tea consumption, with the authors concluding that “moderate tea consumption was significantly associated with a more low risk of dementia. ”

Therefore, research suggests that tea drinking may be a changeable lifestyle factor that may influence the risk of developing dementia.

In addition to following a healthy and balanced diet, you should also reduce your intake of harmful foods, such as foods high in saturated fat, salt, and sugar, and low in fiber.

An unhealthy diet puts you at risk for obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. All of these conditions contribute to an increased risk of dementia.

To reduce your risk of developing dementia, you also need to exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight.

By making all of these healthy lifestyle choices, you can keep your blood pressure at a healthy level.

Source: express

Source: Arabic RT

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