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Rock in Rio confirms return to Parque Tajo in 2026

The guarantee was given this Sunday, June 23, 2024: Rock in Rio returns in two years and will take place again in the Tagus Park, a venue that this year hosted the event for the first time — since the festival arrived in Lisbon in 2004. , all editions took place in the Parque da Bela Vista.

The last day of the edition that commemorates the 20 years of the event in Portugal served to announce the news, but also to take stock of the four days of concerts that were divided into the last two weekends.

According to organization data, more than 300 thousand people We attended the festival in 2024. “We had three days of sold out tickets [15, com Scorpions como cabeças de cartaz; 16, com Ed Sheeran; e 23, com Doja Cat a fechar as atuações no Palco Mundo]something that had never happened before at Rock in Rio Lisboa,” guaranteed Roberta Medina, executive vice president of Rock in Rio.

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The number of hours that the public spends in the venue has increased – admissions were made earlier than usual –, the operation of the ferry (which connects the Oriente metro and train station with the Tajo Park) had more than 30 thousand people per day and there was a 30% reduction in the carbon footprint associated with public travel.

The production of ten tons of waste was avoided, largely thanks to 500,000 reusable cups. The demand was so great that it was necessary to reinforce production in the middle of the first weekend.

The most efficient generators used during Rock in Rio 2024 allowed a reduction of 80% of emissions in diesel consumption and 15% of diesel in the generators, although this space is 30,000 m2 larger than Bela Vista.

Coverage for the first two days (June 15 and 16) on television was seen by more than 4.7 million people, four thousand people accompanied the radio and registered – more than 18 million impressions of the multiplatform content (being a trend in the social networks). News coverage included more than two thousand articles. Also in Brazil, around three thousand informative articles were published about what was heard and seen in Lisbon.

In addition to the Portuguese audience, there are also more and more people from other parts of the world. International sales this year reached 106 countries, including Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany and Brazil.

For Roberta Medina, this means that the festival “has gained strength, it is no longer just the younger brother [do Rock in Rio Brasil, que celebra 40 anos em 2024]”.

Carlos Moedas, president of the Lisbon City Council, once again recalled his “furtive” visit to Tagus Park – even before World Youth Day, which inaugurated that area of ​​the city in August 2023 – with Roberta Medina and thanked her for several times the organization “for these 20 years and for everything they did for Lisbon. It is very moving”.

At the press conference for the 2024 edition he left one thing true: “Innovating is taking risks. “I don’t want to be president of the House to do everything the same.” The Tagus Park presents “an opportunity for innovation for the next 20 years,” he guaranteed.

As of July 15, the site is partially open to the public. because “there are many people who come here to see the shovel [criada para acolher o Papa Francisco nos eventos da JMJ]“explained Roberta Merdina.

The rest of the area will be reopened gradually. Firstly, because all the stages and other structures inherent to an event of this magnitude will have to be dismantled; secondly, because Rock in Rio will leave behind new infrastructure, as was already customary in Bela Vista after each edition. “A permanent unit of bathrooms will be built, squares so that people can walk around” and, although it is not yet certain, picnic tables can also be installed.

Rock in Rio Lisboa: now in Parque Tajo, what changes and what remains 20 years later

According to data released by the organization, relating to a study with 1,200 participants carried out by Multidados, 70% of those surveyed are satisfied with the change of headquarters.

All these numbers added together leave no doubts for the executive vice president of Rock in Rio and the president of the Lisbon City Council. “I say: I’ll stay,” guaranteed Carlos Moedas. “We’re all staying,” Roberta Medina responded.

Source: Observadora

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