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Assembly of the Republic regrets “loss that will take time to repair” and praises researcher’s legacy

This Friday, the Assembly of the Republic unanimously approved a vote of condolence for the death of researcher Raquel Seruca, praising her “prestigious scientific legacy” and lamenting “a loss that time will take to repair.”

The dedication, competence, vitality and availability that he always put at the service of science in Portugal, is reflected in his prestigious and profuse scientific legacy and inspires a new generation of scientists in the area, so his death represents a loss that the time will take time to repair, a loss that is only covered by the enormous legacy that it leaves to everyone”, reads the condolence vote presented by the PS.

The text highlights the professional career of the researcher, highlighting that she was “deputy director of the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology (IPATIMUP), researcher at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (i3S) and professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto ”, considering that Raquel Seruca “was a undisputed defender and promoter of science in Portugalcontributing with his remarkable research work to significant advances in the study and treatment of gastric cancer”.

“In love with the city where she has always lived, a woman with a strong civic spirit, in 2005 she joined the list of councilors of the Socialist Party for the Porto City Council, in what would be her most frontal political act, a civic commitment that he also assumed during his demanding time at the National Council of Ethics for Life Sciences”, reads the initiative.

Expressing their regret, the deputies paid tribute to the “unique and inspiring journey of several generations of researchers” by Raquel Seruca, “offering my deepest condolences to her family, friends and colleagues from the Ipatimup and i3S health sciences institutes.” .

Raquel Seruca died on May 30, at the age of 59, from cancer.

Cancer researcher Raquel Seruca dies at 59

Born in the city of Porto on June 9, 1962, Raquel Seruca graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto in 1986 and received her doctorate in 1995 from the same university. She was a Research Fellow at the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, in 1998. She was a researcher at Ipatimup and i3S, where she led a research group dedicated to the study of gastric cancer..

Two other votes of condolence from the PSD were also unanimously approved.

The first was presented for the death of Manuel Fernandes Thomaz, who “performed functions of the greatest national relevance in the development of the Portuguese scientific system”, having been “vice president of the National Institute of Scientific Research, between 1988 and 1989, and Secretary of Science and Technology in the XII constitutional government, between 1991 and 1995”.

“He returned to the same position in the XV constitutional government, between 2002 and 2003. Many of the results of the current Portuguese scientific system they are also due to him”, reads the initiative.

Fernandes Thomaz was also “president of the Portuguese Physics Society, between 1990 and 1992, and contributed decisively to the development of the history of Physics and science, having focused his research activity, at the end of his career, on this area” .

The second project approved was to mourn the death of João Gomes Alves, local and regional leader of the PSD, “having presided over the Municipal Assembly of Guimarães with the support of various political factions other than his own.”

“Distinguished from Guimarães and Portuguese, deceased on May 22, 2022, whose life path was marked, in addition to the exceptional culture, elegance and intelligencethat characterized him, by a distinguished professional life, as a lawyer and jurisconsult, as well as by a strong and continuous commitment to his community, in which Guimarães, the city where he was born and lived, was indelibly marked by his dedication to the causes and institutions of their land”, they add in the project.

Source: Observadora

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