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Does Costa want increases of 20% in 4 years? Call 910024185 and go live on Counter-Current

This Monday we want to know your opinion about the salary increase in Portugal. The Prime Minister was in the Algarve this Saturday and called for a collective effort to increase wages. His goal is for average wages in Portugal to increase by 20% over the next four years. António Costa pointed to 2026: “We have to make an effort so that the weight of Portuguese wages in GDP is, at least, identical to that which exists in the European average. This is the goal that we have to be able to achieve collectively.” How will it be possible to increase wages by 20% in 4 years?

Between 10:10 and 12:00 you can give your opinion and talk live with José Manuel Fernandes and Helena Matos. You just have to subscribe by calling 910024185. You can also send recorded voice messages, with less than 2 minutes, by Whatsapp to 910024185. If you prefer, you can leave a written comment on this article, which will be read on air. And you can also send an email with your opinion to [email protected].

You can listen to the program live by clicking here. You can also listen to Rádio Observador on fm, on 93.7 or 98.7 in Greater Lisbon; 98.4 in Greater Porto and Minho; and 88.1 in the district of Aveiro. The show will be available as a podcast here.

Source: Observadora

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