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BE criticizes the Government’s lack of concrete solutions to the problem of the emergency

The coordinator of the BE, Catarina Martins, criticized on Tuesday the absence of concrete solutions in the contingency plan for hospital emergencies announced by the Government, considering the autonomy of hospital contracting and exclusive dedication to be urgent.

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At a press conference at the BE headquarters in Lisbon, Catarina Martins stated that the diagnosis made by the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, after the meetings she held this Monday with the sector on the breakdown of the emergency services is correct, with the problem is the fact that, “in addition to the appeal to hospitals to organize emergency networks“, the minister did not appear “with any concrete solution”.

That the situation has dragged on for years, as you recognized yesterday [segunda-feira] the Minister of Health, only aggravates the problem. In recent years, the PS Government has rejected all solutions and, on the few occasions when it has accepted legislative advances, it has rejected or blocked its implementation on the ground”, he criticized.

For the leader of BE, “it is urgent to implement two measures that are protected by the basic health law, which were rejected by the Government when the Block made them in the negotiation of the latest budgets and that even now the Government continues to refuse” , considering that these are the two “with the greatest immediate scope to guarantee professionals to the SNS”.

Thus, according to Catarina Martins, it is necessary to “guarantee the autonomy in the hiring of hospitals for staff positions that are yet to be covered” and “offer those who are already in the SNS and those who want to return the possibility of dedicating themselves exclusively to public service with a 40% salary incentive”.

Catarina Martins defended that these two measures do not dispense with other advances and other investments in the SNS, being the beginning of a solution to respond to the problems that are experienced today.

“The minister cannot hold hospitals responsible for resource management while hospitals are denied these same resources and even the autonomy to hire places that are empty in the workforce”, he condemned.

In the analysis of the leader of the block, the Government has the instruments and the responsibility to save the SNS and “if it refuses to do so, it is deliberately destroying the SNS”.

Source: Observadora

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