HomePoliticsPresident of the Republic draws attention to young people...

President of the Republic draws attention to young people especially punished by the pandemic and the war

The President of the Republic asked this Friday that in the coming months and years attention be paid to youth, noting that young people have suffered particularly from the pandemic and the war, to which climate change and precariousness have been added.

In a message on the occasion of international youth day, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa left a “word of hope” for young people.

Hope for these lost months [até ao final de 2022], but above all, hope for the years to come, that they be years truly attentive to youth, and attentive is not please, it is that young people are protagonists, as they should be, in the construction of their future, and protagonists in politics , in the economy, in society, in culture. That is my vote as a citizen and as President of the Republic”, he declared in a video published on the official website of the Presidency of the Republic on the internet.

The Head of State has pointed out that this European Year of Youth has been “largely lost in the attention that should fall on the youth”.

The pandemic and the war and its effects, and what nobody knows could happen in the months before the end of the year, mean worse conditions for young people from the personal, community, professional, I would even say political or civic spheres. point of view,” he maintained.

For Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, this year “has been difficult for young people around the world”who is still experiencing the “hangover from the pandemic”, stresses that youth “have paid the highest bills related to the pandemic”, with confinements and school instability, and, “as if that were not enough”, is now debating with “ War and its effects”.

All this has brought greater precariousness, greater unpredictability, more complex future prospects for young people,” he considered, arguing that these crises were added to the problems that young people were already facing, “the climate change crisis and the crisis that came back and that had to do with precariousness and instability.”

Source: Observadora

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