HomePoliticsPoliticians, prosecutors and judges. Six years later, most...

Politicians, prosecutors and judges. Six years later, most of the recommendations of the European group against corruption have not been fulfilled

Portugal still does not adequately control the activity of deputies, prosecutors and judges and has not yet managed to comply with all the recommendations of a GRECO (Group of States Against Corruption) report made public in 2016. Six years later, only three of the 15 the recommendations made by this European body have been satisfactorily implemented or dealt with satisfactorily, while 10 remain partially implemented and two have not even been put into practice.

Portugal has implemented only three of the 15 recommendations of the Council of Europe

These are the conclusions of the Second Compliance Report prepared by the GRECO rapporteurs —after the Fourth Cycle of Evaluation of the Prevention of Corruption in relation to deputies, judges and prosecutors—, released this Tuesday. “Portugal has made little progress in complying with the recommendations considered not implemented or partially implemented” in the latest report, warns this body of the Council of Europe in the conclusions of a 15-page document prepared on June 17, which is then given to know some conclusions, and only later translated into Portuguese and now published.

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Source: Observadora

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