HomePoliticsEnough of wanting to hear Pedro Nuno Santos in...

Enough of wanting to hear Pedro Nuno Santos in Parliament due to incompatibility

Chega asked this Saturday that the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, Pedro Nuno Santos, be heard “urgently” in parliament on the Tecmacal case, arguing that it “stains” the credibility and suitability of the PS government.

“Enough of calling the emergency minister to parliament [Pedro Nuno Santos] to explain this case [Tecmacal] this tarnishes, once again, the credibility and suitability of the government”, said the party leader, André Ventura, in a video message sent to journalists.

Pedro Nuno Santos and his father’s company signed a contract with the State. Law foresees dismissal, minister defends himself with old opinion of the PGR

For Ventura, it is important to listen to Pedro Nuno Santos so that what he considered a “mark of illegality” does not drag on over time without any explanation, after the Observer reported that a company owned by the minister and his father benefited from a public contract by direct agreement.

However, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing clarified today that Pedro Nuno Santos is not in a situation of incompatibility in the Tecmacal case, invoking an opinion from the Consultative Council of the Public Ministry requested by the Government in 2019.

“What is at stake, now as in previous news, are contracts signed by entities covered by the Public Contracts Code and Tecmacal-Equipamentos Industriais, SA, a company whose shareholding by the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing is limited to 1 % and is less than 50,000 euros, so it is not covered by the impediment provided for in section 2 of article 9 of Law No. of senior public officials, ”says the Ministry in a statement.

Brilhante Dias admits that Pedro Nuno Santos goes to Parliament to explain the case of incompatibility

The Chega leader considered that this case “still stains” the transparency promised by the Government of António Costa and that, he added, “apparently it has become a multiplication of consecutive cases of incompatibilities, irregularities and suspicions of serious conflicts of interest.” .” ”.

For this reason, Ventura will also request the Constitutional Court to carry out the necessary steps and carry out the respective investigation process to determine whether or not there was any objective illegality that could lead to the resignation of Pedro Nuno Santos.

“There is a situation of unavoidable impediment in the businesses that were carried out between the company of Pedro Nuno Santos and the State, with Pedro Nuno Santos being the minister,” he defended.

Source: Observadora

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